This is a longer email than usual but for the past months, I have become the #1 target of the Left, the liberal biased media, and Big Tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
I have been smeared again and again by media companies like The New York Times, Washington Post, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel where they distort my comments, twist them through a liberal prism, and omit most of what I actually say.
I have been silenced, censored, and suspended by the social media oligarchs because I tell the truth, and oftentimes, it is the truth the liberal mainstream media does not want to hear. It counters their narrative, and they refuse to allow it. So they silence free speech.
Yet, despite all of this unconstitutional collusion between these far-Left parties working for political gain at the expense of the American people, I will not give up. They will not deter me.
And that is why I decided to run for re-election.
I am running for a third term for the simple reason that I believe I am the best person for the job. I believe that I am the best candidate to address the national debt, work to lower inflation, secure the border, and fight for America First policies. I believe I am the best candidate to put an end to the Biden administration’s constant record of misinformation and their continued lack of transparency with Congress, the press, and you, Peter. I believe I am the best candidate for Wisconsin because I tell the truth and speak for the minority, even when the majority is doing everything they can to silence me.
Now that I have announced, the Left will seize every opportunity to destroy me politically. They will continue to write manipulative hit pieces and orchestrate smear campaigns across all mediums. They will attack and distort my record of success, my record of searching for the truth, and my record of fighting for the people of Wisconsin in any way they can. The Democrats even placed a $2M ad buy just moments after I announced my campaign for re-election.
And that’s why I need your help.
Any help you can provide will make an enormous difference and will be greatly appreciated. $5, $10, $25, or even $35 will help me respond to these hit pieces and smear campaigns. It will take all of us working together to defeat the Left and their dishonest tactics.
Can I count on you to chip in? We need to start working right now.
Ron Johnson |