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Eureka Newsletter

Eureka Newsletter
Learn how Eureka is transforming medical research

Check out our new article called Digital platforms for clinical trials: The Eureka experience about some of the innovative clinical trials Eureka is working on and our future directions.

Some good news about COVID-19 and cardiac arrhythmias

UCSF researchers recently published a new manuscript using data collected from the COVID-19 Citizen Science Study.  Previous reports have demonstrated a link between COVID-19 infections and cardiac arrhythmias in patients hospitalized with COVID-19, so this study investigated the potential link between COVID-19 infection and cardiac arrhythmias in non-hospitalized patients. 51 study participants who recently tested positive for COVID-19 received a continuous heart monitor that can detect many types of cardiac arrhythmias.

By analyzing the heart rhythms of these participants, the researchers concluded there was no evidence of malignant or sustained arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, in any of the 51 study participants.  These data suggest that COVID-19 does not increase the risk of severe arrhythmias in people after recovering from acute COVID-19 illness.

Read the article
BOOSTED substudyBOOSTED is a COVID-19 Citizen Science substudy that will help us learn more about the different FDA-approved COVID-19 booster vaccines and the effects of mixing and matching these boosters. We began enrolling on January 20th and completed enrollment on March 18th. 301 participants have enrolled. Thank you to everyone who has participated! Stay tuned for more updates!
Connect your medical records to CCS!
The COVID-19 Citizen Science study has started rolling out an exciting new feature that allows participants to connect their MyChart medical records to the study. Look for this new optional activity with your weekly surveys. We hope that you consider connecting your health records to help power research! Don’t already have a MyChart account to connect? Click here to learn more.
Artful Science: The connection between alcohol and AFibWhat is the difference between a heart attack and an arrhythmia? Can drinking alcohol help or harm heart health?

Find out the answers to these questions and more by watching the video below as Dr. Greg Marcus, one of Eureka’s principal investigators, discusses and explains arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, and how alcohol can affect the heart as a guest speaker on Artful Science.

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