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Send Alek Skarlatos – an American hero to Congress

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Imagine this: You are traveling on a train, bound for the beautiful city of Paris on a vacation with your best friends. Suddenly, a terrorist emerges from the train’s bathroom, bare-chested and armed with an assault rifle, a jar of gasoline, 270 rounds of ammunition, and one mission: to kill everyone on board.

This isn’t a made-up scenario, Friend. Four brave men stopped this armed terrorist on a Paris-bound train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris in August 2015. One of those men was Alek Skarlatos, a proud Republican running for Congress in the target district of Oregon’s 4th Congressional district, and my pick for the job.

Alek is an American hero who looked terrorism directly in the eyes… and won. He has and always will be willing to give his life in the fight for freedom, in the image of true American values — which is why I am proud to support his candidacy and need your immediate help to send this American hero to Congress.


Right now, radical Democrats are fundamentally altering the fabric of this great nation. Leftist legislation is assaulting our nation, our communities, and the American Dream.

We need veterans like Alek in Congress, leading the charge to end this Far-Left agenda  in Washington and put America back on track.

Alek ran against one of the longest-serving members of Congress, Peter DeFazio in 2020, and came within 5 points of toppling this Democrat stronghold. DeFazio was so scared of defeat this year, he decided to retire rather than face Alek and get fired in a year that is shaping up to be great for Republicans.


Republicans only need to flip 5 seats next year to send Democrats into the minority. We have the momentum heading into this Oregon race, but Alek needs our support to surge ahead and get the job done.

Will you join me in supporting this American hero by pitching in $5, $10, $25 or $50 to ensure Alek and his team have the resources needed to flip this target seat RED in November?

Alek’s story proves he is a fighter, someone who will never back down from a challenge. Today, I am challenging every conservative I know, including you, to join the fight to take back the House.

Please pitch in as generously as you can to help us win this race and send an American hero to Congress.

Thank you,
Todd Young

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