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If you only have a minute, please read this! As we observe Sanctity of Human Life month, here’s a quick update from Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, on the progress they’re making in the battle to save even more precious, innocent preborn babies . . .
Give now to save a life! Hello,
Because I have good reason to believe you’re someone who stands strongly for the sanctity of human life, I’m emailing to let you know how you can save the life of a vulnerable preborn baby right now.
It all starts with a truth that is both encouraging AND undeniable: A woman considering abortion is much more likely to choose life if she is given the chance to see an ultrasound image of her child!
The proof of life is so powerful, so persuasive, so convincing.
That’s how it was for Jenn (I’ve changed her name to protect her privacy).
When she found out she was pregnant, Jenn was convinced she wanted to abort her baby. But she decided to first visit a local pregnancy medical center and have an ultrasound. When the technician did the scan — and this is truly miraculous — the image showed the baby on its knees with its little head bowed down and its little hands clasped . . . almost as if it was praying!
When Jenn saw the ultrasound, she cried out, “The baby looks like it’s praying! How can I think of doing this? I’m a Christian, and my baby is praying.”
The technician hugged Jenn as both wept. As she did, the tech couldn’t help but think, the baby was PRAYING TO LIVE! Praying to live: Ultrasound image of preborn baby It’s amazing what hearing and seeing that precious life can do to an abortion-determined woman. Research shows that when a woman receives counseling and an ultrasound, she is more likely to choose life for her baby.
That’s why we’re committed to making ultrasounds available to even more women seeking abortions.
Your gift will help provide a pregnancy medical center with an ultrasound machine, sonography training for nurses, and other resources. You’ll help an abortion-vulnerable mom like Jenn meet her baby and be moved to choose life. Please give now. Your gift can save lives and protect vulnerable moms who need care, compassion, and the opportunity to see and hear the truth about the preborn lives growing within them. Thank you! Jim Daly
Focus on the Family |
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