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22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must!

22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must!

A Quick Dose of Reality You Can Relate To: The System Has Already Been Tested

Just a few years after the rabies immunization for dogs became available, in 1983 they released the movie “Cujo” that had Americans scared half to death of their dog becoming rabid and turning on them. Let’s put aside “rabies” for one moment and look at the system that billionaire funders of big pharma and policymakers quickly put into place. They made the vaccine mandatory, assigned an ID tag that dogs must wear, stored the information and address of the dog and its owner in a database, informed healthcare, retail, park services, and businesses that they should not provide services to those without this ID. If one doesn’t abide by this law, the owner can be fined, dog quarantined and force-vaccinated.

The system they are creating for human beings has long been tested on pet owners of dogs, and most dogs are even chipped. It is also being run through the livestock industry via RFID tags, which Corey’s Digs previously reported on. They want every living being tracked and controlled because ultimately, we are all livestock to them. Just as they are running obedience training PreK-Adult throughout the entire education system and beyond, they are doing the same obedience training through vaccine ID passports.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “But, but, rabies is truly dangerous and life threatening, making these laws justifiable.” As far back as 2008, a study showed that half of the puppies and kittens in the U.S. were not even being vaccinated at all, and trends have shown that more and more people have either completely stopped the rabies shot or are not doing follow-up shots because studies have proven that one shot provides immunization for up to 6 years, not just 3 years. There are over 90 million dogs inhabiting 63 million households in the U.S. with only 60-70 annually contracting rabies. According to the CDC, wild animals that carry rabies, such as bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes, account for 5,000 annual cases in the U.S., with just 60-70 dogs contracting it. Of those dogs who contract it, there is less than 1 dog bite of humans annually. In a 58-year stretch, between 1960-2018, there have only been 127 cases of humans contracting rabies, of which 70% were from bat bites.

So I ask, if nearly half the country has limited or forgone the rabies shot for their dog, do these numbers above reflect a significant risk? This isn’t to say that pet owners should forgo the rabies shot altogether, but if they choose that option, should there be a law in place that bans them from access to healthcare and other services for their dog? Should their be fines, quarantines, and forced vaccination? They have tested this system on pet owners for years, and half the U.S. population willingly went along with this without even questioning it. Sound familiar?

Whereas, there are some states allowing for a Titer test to determine if there are still antibodies in the dog to forgo a follow-up rabies shot, that option is scarce. And whereas, there are scientific studies proving it provides much longer immunity, states and establishments don’t seem to be taking that scientific evidence into account. Meanwhile, adverse events, and in some cases death, after receiving the rabies jab have become a grave concern for pet owners, leaving them feeling backed in a corner, much like the Covid-19 jab mandates.

When we take a look at Covid cases, it is the same pattern, only on a grander scale and with a much less life-threatening issue, with the main difference being the complete and utter exaggeration of the “virus” and case counts. So are lockdowns, mask mandates, mandatory jabs and boosters, vaccine ID passports being the only way in to restaurants and businesses, and mass scale data collection, justifiable, or have they done far more harm than good?

They are treating you like a dog, and they didn’t even show dogs the respect they deserve. You are nothing more than livestock to them. Do you want to be treated this way? Do you want your entire existence and that of your children’s to be controlled? Dogs may not be able to fight back, but we sure can.

Researchers at NIAID, under the supervision of Dr. Anthony Fauci, seem to have had no problem with force-injecting 44 beagle puppies with an experimental drug and severing their vocal cords so they wouldn’t have to hear them bark in pain, all before killing and dissecting them. Does this sound like humane people? Do you believe a dog is any different than a human to them, when they have treated humans in the same way by keeping prophylaxis treatment to Covid, neglecting cancer patients of their treatment by closing off access to hospitals, and leaving the elderly to die alone?

Why it’s So Important to Stop Vaccine ID Passports

In the World Economic Forum’sIdentity in a Digital World: A new chapter in the social contract,’ they have illustrated what the digital identity will look like in our everyday lives on page 10, Figure 1, for the entire world – a contract that you had no say in. Corey’s Digs has reproduced this chart above to avoid their stringent copyright issues, that makes it quite apparent that they absolutely do not want this information circulated, despite their insistence that they are creating this for the betterment of humanity, while building a “social contract” FOR you.

What does this look like in action? One example of how the digital identity (all part in parcel with the vaccine ID passport), is the state of Illinois’ diagram of an “entitlements digital currency” benefit program for food stamps that incorporates “smart contracts” with “healthy eating tokens.” Notice that once you have been verified with your digital identity, you are given a benefit wallet that connects to smart contracts, and if you should ever try to purchase food items that do not fall into their determined “healthy food” category, you won’t be able to purchase it. Surely they are just looking out for your health.

What this really shows is their ability to block access to anything they don’t wish you to purchase or have access to. Once all banks are connected into this digital identity (vaccine ID passport) system, they will be able to control your spending on everything. What happens if you do not get the Covid jab or booster? Every area of your life, included in the digital identity diagram above, will be controlled through this system. All data on your life will be stored within your digital identity. They sell this enslavement system as “convenience” and “equity,” while ensuring you that “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

Another example is the NHS Covid-19 app being rolled out in the UK. As covered in Corey’s Digs report on the top Covid passports being implemented, the NHS app was created by Entrust, owned by the Quandt family, who has quite a dark history, works with IBM and Microsoft AWS, develops biometric technology, and is deeply involved with blockchain. According to the UK government, who has ­contracted with Entrust, the NHS app will store information such as race, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and sex life and orientation, in addition to Covid jab status and test results. They state that the “central system” only processes the data concerning health. Meanwhile, they are working on formalizing legislation by April 2022 for a “digital identity” which has already been beta tested, and may include attributes such as your NHS number, bank account number, insurance number, personal contact info, children, place of employment, etc. This “digital identity” will tie into your “right to work” and “right to rent.” Canada, Australia, and several other countries have been moving full speed ahead on the “digital identity / vaccine ID passports” agenda as well.

Corey’s Digs did an extensive 4-part report showing exactly who, what, when, where, why, and how the globalists are rolling out the vaccine ID passports, which will also be available in a printed book soon! This is a must read to understand just how far they intend to take the vaccine ID passport, and its true purpose for full control over every individual throughout the world.


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The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 2: How Your Digital Id…

ALERT: Vaccine ID Passports are only one avenue moving you to a digital identity on the Blockchain where they co…




Perhaps Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientist of Pfizer says it best in this 21-minute video, whereby he explains the Covid-19 virus, alleged variants that aren’t true variants, and impact the vaccines ID passports will have on all of us.

On December 28, 2021, Biden stated that if his medical team advises it, he would impose a mandate on all Americans to be “vaccinated” against Covid-19 in order to travel domestically.

Simply put: the pandemic is to mandate an experimental gene therapy that the CDC likes to refer to as a “vaccine.” That “vaccine” is for purposes of getting everyone onto a vaccine ID passport. The passport is to force everyone into the new global social credit system. That system is to bring the global population to full obedience, as the globalists control everyone’s access and spending to anything and everything in life, through the use of the new CBDC (central bank digital currency) system they are building toward.

Ask Yourself These 3 Key Questions

1) Why do any businesses need proof of the so-called “vaccine” from a person who may or may not have received it, when the CDC Director has repeatedly stated that the Covid jab doesn’t stop transmission? So what do these vaccine ID passports do, other than control your access and spending?

2) Why are we being told that this is a deadly virus that only a “vaccine” can save you from, when the Covid-19 cases and deaths increased in 2021 AFTER 62% of people in the U.S. received the jab?

3) Why are we being told that Omicron is a scary, much worse variant than Covid itself when it only differs by .3%, meaning it’s not a “variant” at all, and is nearly identical to Covid, but with much less symptoms. Yet, mayors across the country are using Omicron as the reason to (illegally) mandate restaurants, entertainment venues, and gyms to turn away patrons unless they can show proof of the jab or a negative test? And let’s remember, those that have received the jab can still transmit Covid.

Does any of this make logical sense? Absolutely not.

We are right back to the lockdown stage where they cherry-pick who they want to set demands on, and if businesses and restaurants adhere to this, it’s game over. If they stand in defiance together, against this tyranny, it’s game over for the globalists that are trying to build our enslavement system.

22 Ways to Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022

1) DO NOT COMPLY. Do not be coerced, bribed, blackmailed, shamed, guilted, manipulated, or intimidated into complying. Civil disobedience is necessary. Businesses and patrons need to rally together to defy this tyranny.

2) Contact your investment advisor or asset manager, give them a list of companies involved in making the vaccine ID passports and pushing the agenda, and tell them you want all of these companies screened out of your savings because you do not wish to finance your own prison. See the list at the end of part 4 in my vaccine passport series here. If you are dating or communicating with someone who works for any of these companies that are building our prison, you might consider the Lysistrata strategy. In times of war, all strategies must be considered to beat the enemy.

3) Vaccine ID Passports, digital identities being pushed by banks, driver’s license facilities, and other industries as a means for “access” or “convenience” should be avoided at all cost.

4) Make everyone you know aware of what this QR code and digital identity is really about, and how they intend to put you on the Blockchain to surveil and control your every move.

5) Get your sheriffs on board. While tyrannical governors and mayors may try to make illogical and illegal demands on business owners and patrons, including fines in some cases, the sheriff has the power to choose to not enforce it. Mayors are moving quickly on trying to instill demands on businesses. There are 3,081 sheriffs in the U.S. They all need to be contacted by phone, email, and mail. Many of them do not understand the full power that they have and policies they can put in place. I recommend directing them to KrisAnne Hall, a constitutional lawyer who has worked with hundreds of sheriffs, empowering them with information to fight this tyranny, through conferences and one-on-one.

6) Posting small truth statements around communities via flyers, postcards, stickers, or swag with a message. In the words of the corrupt globalists, “flood the message.”

7) When entering an establishment that is demanding to see proof of a jab or negative test, provide them with a card that states, “I will not be a human experiment of a gene therapy jab for a virus that has a 99.98% survival rate,” and do not support that establishment.

8) Bringing this information to the attention of your legislatures and demanding legislation to block vaccine id passports and digital identity applications is critical. Here is a Model Bill you can copy and paste into a document to attach in an email to your state representative requesting that he/she sponsor it in your state. Somestates have already done this. Consider donating to litigators and state legislators who are actually taking action to stop vaccine ID passports and jab mandates.

9) Remove your money from the large banks into smaller, family-owned banks and small credit unions. If 10% of people did this, it would create a huge shift.

10) Build your own family or community energy and food systems. Resilient energy and food supplies will go a long way against their digital financial blackmailing systems.

11) BOYCOTT: Stop feeding the beast – do not spend money at Amazon (here’s why), and big box stores that are building the infrastructure to enslave humanity. When you hurt their bottom line, they are more apt to reverse their demands for employees and patrons. Here are some alternative options.

12) CASH IS KING. Use cash as often as possible, to avoid the hyper-tracking taking place inside bank accountsthat are aggregating your data and building your social and climate score, as well as studying spending behaviors of the masses to manipulate industries, supply chains, and markets.

13) Leave your phones at home. Don’t download any data tracking apps, and if you still have a smartphone be sure to stay on top of what data mining apps they are installing into your phone without you even knowing.

14) Limit personal data you provide online, in paper forms, and other sources trying to collect data points on you.

15) Stop the Federal Vaccine Database Bill H.R. 550 by calling your senators and demanding they oppose itand all other bills that infringe on our medical privacy and expands federal power. It passed the House on November 30, 2021 and is pending in the Senate.

16) Purchasing any products with the word “Smart” in it, isn’t so smart. These products are all used for surveillance purposes via audio, some visual, and data aggregating, not to mention potential integrated mind control technologies. Get Alexa out of your home, and that digital flat screen tv that is spying on you. Here is a checklist of tips for how to better protect yourself when it comes to technology.

17) Here are 5 ways to financial security while building thriving communities outside the system.

18) Clear as many debts as you are able to so you are beholden to no one. Invest in people, learning trade skills, family and community, hard assets, proper schooling for your children which might mean a local homeschool network, local farmers, any necessary supplies or equipment you feel you need, your health and peace of mind.

19) Be sure to bookmark this Covid Resources page where you will find medical, legal, forms, job boards, and information pertaining to fighting this tyranny. Also bookmark this Resource on tracking legal action and legislation against Covid-19 mandates. These are all very helpful tools to have.

20) While the injection is still in the stage of Emergency Use Authorization, it is not legal to require a person to get the injection, and “informed consent” is the law. Though the FDA has approved Pfizer’s Comirnaty jab, Pfizer has chosen to not yet produce it for the U.S., and instead are continuing to supply the EUA jab.

21) As more and more people realize the adverse events and deaths taking place after receiving the jab, they are choosing to not get the boosters. Be there for them. Help them through it and find medical professionals that are aware of what is happening and will assist them.


22) Visualize a better future for all, where these corrupt individuals are stopped in their tracks, and Pray.

Fight the jabs and fight the vaccine ID passports – our future depends on it.

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