Peter A. Hovis

Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association (MLBPAA)

View this message on our website.
Monthly Donor December 2021

Dear Peter,

The MLBPAA wishes you a happy and healthy new year! I want to thank you for your support now more than ever, by means of your membership and charitable contributions.

In 2021, you joined thousands of current and former players, staff and fans who donated to the Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association (MLBPAA). While the past two years has been unlike anything we have ever experienced, the organization continues to serve as a resource for alumni and their families.

I am extremely proud of this fraternity, it’s long history and the bright future ahead. To read more about the impact your gift has made, visit our website at or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @MLBPAA.

With great appreciation,

Brooks Robinson, MLBPAA President


1‌631 M‌esa A‌ve., C‌opper B‌uilding, S‌uite D, C‌olorado S‌prings, C‌O 8‌0906
Phone (719) 477-1870 |
Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association (MLBPAA) © 2021 All rights reserved.
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