2021 Delivered: A Year In Groceries
2021 Delivered
Do you know the #1 food in your city? How about the top Valentine’s Day trend where you grew up? Get answers to these questions and more with our interactive ode to 2021.
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Carts across America
It’s bananas
If you lined up every banana purchased via Instacart in Los Angeles this year, it would surpass 87,174 Hollywood signs.
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‘Tok of the town
Baked Feta Pasta took the country by storm. Austin jumped on the trend early, loading up on the recipe ingredients 3 days before the national peak.
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Every city is unique…or is it? Based on their shopping, Chicago, IL and Alexandria, VA have lots in common, especially a love of spinach.
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The numbers say it all
Thank you for an unforgettable year together, and letting us deliver the things you love. Here’s to a 2022 filled with more record-breaking grocery lists!
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Maplebear Inc. (d/b/a Instacart), 50 Beale St. #600 San Francisco, CA 94105
This email was sent by Instacart to rjhamster56@gmail.com.
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