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This Week With Gosar

Contact Me  |   Media Center  |   Our DistrictFor Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: December 5,

This Week With Gosar

WASHINGTON D.C. – Here are our top stories…

All Life is Precious

This week, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization, a major pro-life case concerning Mississippi’s abortion law banning abortion after 15 weeks.

When the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade nearly 50 years ago, leftist scientists and doctors claimed that babies were considered viable at 28 weeks. We know that is absolutely false.  In fact, premature babies can survive at 22 weeks, or even earlier.  This is at least a month and half earlier than Roe’s arbitrary “viability” date. 

At five weeks, unborn babies have a heartbeat.  At 10 weeks, babies can kick and jump and have fingers and toes.  At 15 weeks, an unborn baby has fully formed lips and noses and can feel pain, make facial expressions, and can hiccup.

There is nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing an abortion. As a doctor, father and Christian, I believe that life begins at conception and that a precious unborn child is a human life.

Please join me in praying that the Supreme Court protects unborn babies and finally overturns the evil Roe v. Wade decision that has led to the murder of 62 million innocent babies since abortion was legalized in 1973.

Click here to read a copy of a press release I issued this week lauding the Supreme Court’s decision to hear oral arguments on this most important case.

We have a “Gosar Minute” featuring Arizona’s next Governor, Kari Lake on this issue: 

coming soon!

Gosar and Congressional Conservatives Take Action to Block Payment to Illegal Aliens 

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Biden administration’s unthinkable proposal to provide payments of $450,000 to illegal aliens for breaking the law.  It seems Mr. Biden is considering settling 900 lawsuits filed against the United States government claiming that thousands of lawbreakers are experiencing “trauma” suffered when crossing the southern border illegally under President Trump’s strong and effective immigration enforcement policies.  The total potential payout could be $1 billion or more.  

This week, I cosponsored H.R. 6122, the Protect American Tax Payer Dollars from Illegal Immigration Act.  This legislation would bar the Biden administration from making massive payouts to illegal immigrants claiming trauma during the Trump administration and are suing the federal government as a result. 

Our southern border is a unmitigated disaster. More than two million illegal aliens will pour into our country this year.  Now Mr. Biden wants to reward this lawlessness with huge payments.  This is an insult to all Americans and all legal immigrants who followed the rule of law when entering our country.   I am proud to cosponsor this legislation to make sure Mr. Biden’s horrific decision never happens.

Gosar Again Hits OSHA for its Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate Order 

On November 5th, Mr. Biden’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)issued an unconstitutional rule requiring private employers with 100 or more employees to mandate COVID-19 vaccines or testing at their workplace.

As I have stated several times, there is nothing in the Constitution or the law granting the federal government the power to force anyone to inject medicine into their body as a condition of employment.  The decision to get jabbed is a choice decision best made between a physician and the patient. 

In response, this week I cosponsored the Stop Federal Vaccine Mandates for Businesses Act blocking OSHA from implementing the rule mandating vaccines or drugs.  For now, the courts have blocked Mr. Biden’s vaccine mandate order.  However, I remain vigilant to ensure we can terminate this unlawful order. 

Gosar and House Republicans Demand COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Many constituents, including faithful Gosar Newsletter readers, have contacted my office requesting an investigation into the approval process of the COVID-19 vaccine. Many rightfully argue that reviewing data related to the vaccine’s approval could help satisfy vaccine skeptics of its safety and settle the ongoing debate regarding the adequacy of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) drug review process.   

Unfortunately, last month the FDA requested to prolong releasing this important data for 55 years. What the what?  It took a scant 108 days for the COVID-19 vaccine to receive approval, yet the FDA is refusing to release the data used for the approval for 55 years, or in the year 2076! Is the FDA hiding something?  

This week, I joined many of my House Republican colleagues in introducing legislation requiring the FDA to release all records of information submitted to the FDA regarding the authorization of emergency use of, or licensing of all COVID-19 vaccines to the public.  If Mr. Biden is going to insist on mandating everyone receive the COVID-19 vaccine, it only makes sense that the public knows that what is being forced in their body is safe and effective. 

Read bill text here.

Parents Have a Right to Know What Their Kids are Being Taught in Classrooms!

This week, I cosponsored H.R. 6056, the Parents Bill of Rights Act, to defend mom’s and dad’s fundamental rights against efforts to shut them out of their kid’s education.  Parents have a right to know what is being taught in the classroom and certainly have the right to speak out at school board meetings without fear of being labelled domestic terrorists by Mr. Biden’s Justice Department.  Our public schools are being attacked and infiltrated by woke bureaucrats and leftist radicals pushing Marxist critical race theory into the curriculums. 

The Parents’ Bill of Rights Act will empower parents to enforce the following rights against school systems receiving federal dollars:

  1. The right to know what their minor child is being taught in school, including, but not limited to, curricula, books, and other instructional materials. 
  2. The right to information on who is teaching their minor child, including guest lecturers and outside presenters.
  3. The right to information on individuals and organizations receiving school contracts and funding.
  4. The right to visit the school and check in on their minor child during school hours.
  5. The right to all school records, medical or otherwise, concerning their minor child.
  6. The right to information about the collection and transmission of their minor child’s data.
  7. The right to have sufficient accountability and transparency regarding school boards.
  8. The right to know about situations affecting their minor child’s safety in school.

Parents will be empowered to sue schools that do not protect these rights for injunctive relief. A pattern of such violations in a particular jurisdiction will trigger major reductions in federal education funding.

This common-sense legislation gives control back to parents by enforcing the right to know what child is being taught in school and I am proud to join this legislation to assist this effort. 

Did Congress Just Pass Vaccine Passports?

This week, Congress voted on H.R. 550, the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act. H.R. 550 authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to improve and expand immunization information systems (IIS). IIS is a digital database recording immunization doses, storing the information and providing updates of when immunizations and boosters are due. 

H.R. 550 is akin to creating vaccine passports and expands the power of the federal government in trampling individual rights.  The bill will allow the federal government to track unvaccinated Americans, who could be targeted, segregated, and forced to comply with vaccination mandates. For example, the database would allow the government to notify people about when their booster shots are due. Although the system is described as confidential, confidential in this case means confidential from the public, until of course records are indiscriminately released like has happened with the IRS, Department of Defense, Veterans Administration, or any number of high-profile government leaks and hacks.  

I voted against this harmful legislation. Sadly, 85 of my Republican colleagues joined most Democrats to help pass this bill.  

Picture of the Week

Other Highlights From This Week

I have continuously pointed out the fallacy that there is still a COVID-19 state of emergency when we are shipping vaccines over the border, returning to work, and travelling abroad. On this basis I have tried to end the emergency several times. This week I joined Representative Louie Gohmert on legislation to end the emergency beginning on Christmas so we can celebrate the holidays just like we always have. 

Mr. Biden is ignoring natural immunity science to push his vaccine mandates. Even the CDC website tries to compare the protection granted from the vaccine and natural immunity even though the science does not support this. In October, Congress requested Mr. Biden clarify his stance on natural immunity which was ignored. This week, my colleagues and I sent a letter highlighting the failure to response and recognize the role natural immunity plays in preventing COVID-19. 

Sanctuary cities openly violate U.S. law and threaten Americans. Too many Americans fall victim to crimes committed by illegal aliens the Left’s policies allow into the country and then harbor. I joined the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act which allows a victim of a felony, or their families, to sue the state or sanctuary city which failed to follow an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer. 

Tweet of the Week

Joe Kent for WA-3

@joekent16jan19: Everyone needs to know the name Tate Myre, he’s an absolute hero. Pray for him & his family.

Replying to Honest Abe

@honestbroham: This young man is Tate Myre & he died a hero when he rushed the school shooter in Michigan. God bless you, sir. I wanna be like you when I grow up.

See Tweet HERE.

Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You Might Want to Know

KYMA, Gosar Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision to Hear History Abortion Case

Forbes Breaking News, Paul Gosar Speaks on House Floor for First Time Since Being Censured

Papers, Please!, “Freedom to Travel Act of 2021” introduced in Congress 

New York PostBiden’s Made-up Stories and Manner Raise Serious Questions About his Mental Health

The BlazeDCCC gets hammered on Twitter for trying and failing to save Biden on gas prices

Fox NewsBiden’s COVID task force is a failure and urgently needs a shakeup

Washington Times‘Symbolic’: Biden’s southern African travel ban scrutinized after Trump criticism


I work for YOU!

I want to serve my constituents in any way I can. Whether you need help with a federal agency, are trying to find out if federal grants are available for your project, or are considering applying to a service academy, my office is always here to help. 

Additionally, the phone numbers for all of my offices are listed at the bottom of this email.Sincerely,

 Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
Member of Congress

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