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This Week With Gosar

Contact Me  |   Media Center  |   Our DistrictFor Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: October 31,

This Week With Gosar

PRESCOTT, AZ – Here are our top stories…

Happy Halloween!

A brief history on the origins of Halloween:Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, and Halloween 2021 will occur on Sunday, October 31. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats.

Rolling Stone Magazine—Stone Cold Propaganda

Recently, Rolling Stone Magazine published an article that claimed that I, and several other conservative members of Congress, engaged in “planning” for violence on January 6. Adding to that outrageous lie, it further claimed I asked for “blanket pardons” for people I have never met for actions that had not yet even occurred.  


On the one hand, this is laughably stupid. I never “planned” violence and you will not ever see any evidence of that because it never happened. I did plan to state my objections on the floor of the House because of election irregularities in the 2020 election, irregularities that a Senate Audit concluded were sustained, material and extensive. My objections were submitted to the Parliamentarian, made in order, and seconded by Sen. Ted Cruz. Everything I did was by the book legal, ethical and constitutional.   

There is a notable article by Revolver News that has found evidence that the violence on January 6 was precipitated by FBI assets. You can that article here

Did you know?  Prior to January 6 there were over 300 Trump speeches/rallies and not one had any violence? Nada. Zip. Having gone to many myself, I can tell you that the crowd at these events are peaceful, God loving, prayerful, and patriotic. The Left is trying to smear all of us who love this country when we all know it is them, the BLM/ANTIFA Democrat criminals, that riot, loot, murder and burn.  


As for “blanket pardons” let’s just start with the fact that no such thing exists. Whatever this magazine thinks, there is no such pardon where the President can waive a magic wand and eliminate all legal liability for all crimes that have been committed or could be committed. But this lie is necessary to make the allegation that there was foreknowledge of violence.   


You know what I did do? I wrote letters to the President to pardon Stephen Bannon and former Congressman Rick Renzi. And the President granted those pardons. Both pardons are very specific to each person for pending criminal allegations or convictions. There is nothing unusual about that or other pardons that can be requested. But a “blanket pardon” for unknown people for events that had not yet occurred—well that is simply a lie. It is entirely possible the magazine made it up. This is the same magazine that made up a story about a hospital in Iowa that turned away gun shot victims at the ER because the ER was full of people who overdosed on Ivermectin. That story, featured in Rolling Stone, was 100% false and made up. This is too.   

Should I sue Rolling Stone Magazine for defaming me and alleging that I planned violence on January 6?Yes, sue those commie bastardsNo, don’t waste your time with idiotsSubmit survey to sign up for updates on my work in Congress.*

Biden Regime Plans To Give Away $450,000 To Illegal Aliens

You read that right. The Biden Regime is planning to take your tax money and give it to illegal aliens (even more than it is already doing with hotels, food and transportation). Not a little, but $450,000. This money is per person, and for families that could result in a family of four becoming instant millionaires with over $1.7 million of our tax dollars.

This is pure corruption and criminality. Congress did not authorize this. The American people did not authorize this. This is the Biden regime’s effort to encourage still more illegal aliens to invade our country since our border is 100% open and unguarded. We are looking at over 2.2 million illegal aliens just this year being invited in by Biden. Biden wants to give amnesty to these criminals and register them as Democrats.    

Biden’s actions are repulsive and unthinkable. The pretext for stealing our money and giving it to criminals is that families sneaking here illegally were separated at the border and suffered an inconvenience.   Of course, for readers of this newsletter, you know that the “families” were usually not related by blood and the children were separated from sex traffickers, pimps and drug dealers. The separation was to protect children from traffickers. Now those same pimps stand to become millionaires.

Below:  New millionaires from Haiti? 

If Biden has his way, illegal aliens from Haiti and elsewhere can all stand in line for large payouts. Meanwhile, citizens and tax payers face record inflation, empty store shelves, high energy and gas prices while Democrats and Biden aggressively try to raise out taxes on a daily basis. 

The total potential payout could be $1 billion or more.  Huge payouts, amnesty, citizenship, free college…under Biden all you gotta do is just break the law.  This is insanity.  I will not tolerate it and will introduce legislation to stop it, and to fine all illegal aliens the same amount.  

Here is a good summary.

Gosar Speaks in Support of Unborn Babies

This weekend, I had the privilege to attend and speak at the Arizona Life Coalition monthly meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona.  It was great to be with so many like-minded folks who support Arizona’s pro-life community.  

Abortion is unequivocally the single greatest evil of our time. Sadly, many in Congress and this administration want to authorize the killing of more innocent babies. The latest comes to Congress in the form of what Democrats disgustingly call “the Women’s Health Protection Act.”  This despicable legislation would allow for abortion of the unborn for any reason and at any stage of pregnancy, including up until birth.  

But it doesn’t stop there. The latest version of Biden’s reckless spending package does not include the Hyde Amendment, allowing taxpayer dollars to be used to fund on demand abortions. The Hyde Amendment has saved countless lives of unborn children. In fact, studies show that nearly 60,000 children are spared death each year due to the important amendment. Now, Biden is forcing taxpayers like you and me to fund abortions. This is offensive and an affront to Americans who do not want their tax dollars funding abortion on demand resulting in the death of defenseless and innocent unborn children.  

And in a profound miscarriage of justice, the Biden administration recently withdrew a lawsuit filed by President Trump against the University of Vermont Medical Center for violating federal conscience protection laws by forcing 10 nurses who registered conscience objections to assist with performing abortions.

Check out my Gosar Minute on this issue:  

Over 62 million abortions have been performed in the United States.

Americans should be outraged and ashamed that we have created and supported a culture that fails to protect life in this country. Every innocent human being has value.

Gosar Takes More Action to Defend Parents and Their Children 

Parents across the country are rightfully standing up against the radical policies being pushed in classrooms by Joe Biden.  Moms and dads are deeply concerned and frustrated by the continued indoctrination of Critical Race Theory and other leftist ideologies being taught to their children.  Schools are now actively teaching students to hate White children.  

Now Biden and the Department of Justice are treating these parents as “domestic terrorists” proving once again that Biden will brazenly weaponize the federal government to go after anyone, particularly conservatives, who disagree with him. In response, this week I co-sponsored the Championing Our Parents Act. This legislation would prohibit any federal funding to be used to carry out this war against parents.  


Read the full bill text here.

Gosar Helps Prescott Parents

Dr. Anne Marie Ward

In a related matter, parents from Willow Creek Charter School reached out for assistance.   The school management was not allowing parents to testify and speak to them about their concerns over school curricula. Thanks to Dr. Anne Marie Ward for reaching out and sounding the alarm.

My letter to the school is HERE.

And Dr. Ward’s comment regarding that letter is below.

“Update on the crazy school situation. HUGE shoutout to @repgosar, our Congressman, for writing this letter supporting our kids and our parents!!! We are making progress! Thank you also to Mayor Elect Phil Goode and PUSD School Board member Kara Woods for your quick responses and support! We need our elected officials focused on fixing our schools! #saynotowokeness #conservatives #parentchoice #fixourschools #education #smartpolicy”

You can see Dr. Ward’s full instagram post HERE.

Gosar Joins Bill to Squash Corrupt DOJ Funneling Money to Third Party Groups

This week I co-sponsored the Stop Settlement Slush Fund, a bill authored by Texas Congressman Lance Gooden, that would prohibit the Department of Justice (DOJ) from engaging in fake lawsuits where the purpose is to compel a private company to donate to a leftist activist group as a “settlement.” The practice was terminated under President Trump but like a bad rash, it’s back! The DOJ has recently funneled as much as $880 million dollars to a hodge-podge of communist front groups, socialists, and other left-wing agitators. These payments occur entirely outside of Congressional appropriations and none have any Congressional oversight. This is just one of many methods that Leftists have misdirected public monies by circumventing the Constitutional role of Congress. 

Biden Lies, Vaccine Mandates on the Rise!

Last month, Mr. Biden issued two executive orders mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for federal contractors and for federal employees.  Specifically, federal employees must be vaccinated by November 22, 2021 while federal contractors must be vaccinated by December 8, 2021. In case you’re wondering, and I know you are, there are 2.1 million federal employees and 4.1 million federal contractors.  

Don’t forget, Biden pledged he would NOT institute a vaccine mandate. More lies. 


This week, I cosponsored H.R. 5360, the Freedom From Mandates Act to block Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors and federal employees. Biden cannot force Americans to get a vaccine against their will. The decision to get a vaccine is best made between a doctor and the patient. If you want the shot, get it. It’s your choice. But your job should not depend on it. 

Jan. 6 Patriots Describe Prison Torture and Human Rights Violations

“Solitary Confinement” by Jon McNaughton

One of the Jan. 6 defendants was able to get a letter snuck out of the DC hell hole prison where hundreds have been confined under inhumane conditions, which he documents below.

Read January 6 Political Prisoner Nathan DeGrave’s Horrifying Letter From D.C. Jail, Where Patriots Are Tortured


Other Highlights From This Week

During the Afghanistan failure, I wrote to the Department of Homeland Security requesting information on what was being done to secure Americans from terrorist attacks as the Biden Administration was releasing terrorists from prison and failing to secure our border. They did not answer. Panama states it has arrested 52 people associated with al-Qaeda while our border agents have been overwhelmed with 1,734,686 illegal aliens so far during FY21. We wrote again this week demanding answers to address this immediate threat. 

UPDATE:  Northern Virginia went on high alert because of intel suggesting a terror attack this week by … you guessed it… Afghan “refugees” that Biden rescued and brought here while he abandoned American citizens. Read more here.


American Manganese, Inc. Update: There are many mines still operating in Arizona.  The Wenden project continues to make great strides to becoming a supplier of manganese for the National Defense Stockpile.  This week, AMY submitted its final report of the Wenden Stockpile Reclamation and Advanced Material Processing project. This is a great step for Arizona and America’s mineral security. 

Updates From Team Gosar

Congratulations to my Outreach Director Teresa Martinez on her appointment to the Arizona State House in LD 11. Teresa has worked for me for years and I could not be prouder of her!  The people of Arizona will be very well represented by Teresa.

Speaking of staff, my digital director Jess Lycos got to see the Pope in the Vatican last week. As you guys know, I have issues with this Pope and his politics and theology. But this is still way cool! 

Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You’ll Want to Know

America First Policy Institute, Our Military and the Alarming Disappearance of Accountability

Daily Caller, EXCLUSIVE: ‘Pathetic Piece Of Trash’: House Republicans Respond To Rolling Stone Piece Alleging Capitol Riot Coordination

MarketWatch, American Manganese Submits Final Report to the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency for the Wenden Stockpile Material Reclamation and Advanced Material Processing Project


I work for YOU!

I want to serve my constituents in any way I can. Whether you need help with a federal agency, are trying to find out if federal grants are available for your project, or are considering applying to a service academy, my office is always here to help. 

Additionally, the phone numbers for all of my offices are listed at the bottom of this email.Sincerely,

 Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
Member of Congress

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