Site icon Peter A. Hovis

The Wilderness Society

Peter – 

You’ve taken action to support climate justice and our public lands. So, what’s next? 

Meet Jayson, the Director of Organizing at The Wilderness Society. He, or one of our volunteers, has probably already texted you to meet you, learn about why you care, and help you get plugged into all the opportunities we have available to make your unique voice heard on climate, public lands, and community justice issues. 

Have a question? Ask them!

Have a story? Tell them!

Want to know more about your local issues? Let them know.

There’s only one rule: don’t be shy – our organizing team is here to make it easier for you to take action and share your unique perspective. Afterall, that’s the whole goal of community organizing: building the people power needed to create the world our communities deserve. 

YOU and YOUR  STORY are part of that power.

Don’t worry, you can opt-out anytime and Jayson + our organizing team will only ever text you when your voice is needed – never spamming your phone. 

Not a fan of texting? We’ll keep in touch over email too, and you’re always welcome to reach out to us at with any questions.

We’re glad to have you on our team, our voices are stronger together

1801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Ste. 200

Washington, DC 20006 wilderness.orgunsubscribe

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