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Announcing online watercolour sessions with Randy Hale and Mike Willdridge

Dear Administrator


Announcing online watercolour sessions with Randy Hale and Mike Willdridge


If I’m intruding, please forgive me. Let me know and I won’t do so again, but I just thought that members of your art society might be interested in our forthcoming schedule of online classes.


The Watermill at Posara’s series of online, interactive painting sessions proved a great success during the pandemic and, after a summer break, our Zoom workshops are starting up again, each complete with follow-up video and a gallery of for students to showcase their masterpieces.  


We have the following three-hour watercolour sessions planned in November and December:

–        Randy Hale on Thursday 4 November at 4pm GMT, ‘A Walk in a Bamboo Forest’ (register at, £35

–        Mike Willdridge on Thursday 11 November at 2.30pm GMT, with an ‘Old Barn with an Autumnal Makeover’ (register at, by donation

–        Mike Willdridge, every day for seven days, from Saturday 27 November to Friday 3 December at 2.30pm GMT, with a ‘virtual’ week at The Watermill at Posara (register at, £100. Besides the painting there will be a prize draw for one of Mike’s watercolours, and daily recipes from the watermill kitchen

–        Randy Hale on Thursday 9 December at 4pm GMT (subject to be decided)

–        Mike Willdridge on Thursday 16 December at 2.30pm GMT, with ‘A Snowy Bridge’ (register at, by donation 


We know these times may be quite early in the morning in the United States and Canada but, even if you can’t make the live session, you can still register and receive an edited video of the demonstration to paint along in your own time, and have access to the gallery. 


For those sessions that ask for a donation, some people ask how much the donation should be. It is up to you, but we do suggest a minimum donation of £20 GBP (British pounds, about $US 28 or $CAN 34). 


Thank you for your attention. I do hope you and some of your members may be able to join us.


We look forward to seeing you online. 


With best wishes


Lois Breckon


Become a Friend of The Watermill at Posara on Patreon. Follow us on Facebook (The Watermill) and Twitter (TuscanHolidays).  Or visit our website:

Postal address:  Il Mulino di Posara, Via del Mulino 12-20, 54013 Fivizzano (Loc Posara), MS, Italy

Telephone (UK): +44 (0)20 7193 6246


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