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This Week With Gosar

Contact Me  |   Media Center  |   Our DistrictFor Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica LycosDate: September 12,

This Week With Gosar

PRESCOTT, AZ – Here are our top stories…

Remembering 9/11 

This Saturday marked the twentieth anniversaryof the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks on our nation. My heart continues to be with the families of the nearly 3000 Americans that were ended by Muslim terrorists that horrific day. I pray that the peace of God be upon the families and the victims forever.

I am also incredibly grateful to our brave soldiers who continue to fight to defeat terrorism, often away from their family and in harm’s way. Because of them, we have suffered no more terrorist attacks of that magnitude. Thank you for hearing our nation’s call to service and keeping us safe.

We honor all who died 20 years ago and all who have sacrificed to keep America safe.  May we never forget. I never will. 

Biden’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy is Bullsh!t

Remember wayyyyyy back in July when Mr. Biden promised the American people there would be no federal vaccine mandates and even questioned whether the federal government had the authority to implement them?  Well, that didn’t age well!

This week, Mr. Biden made known his plan to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for millions of Americans. Despite months of denial, we all knew this was coming, it was just a matter time.

There is no law authorized by Congress, and no Constitutional provision, that conveys the power to the presidency to force any citizen to undergo a medical procedure against their will.  

This is tyranny. In a free society, free people should not be forced by the federal government to be vaccinated for COVID-19 to work. Additionally, businesses should not be pressured to mandate it either.

Mr. Biden’s decision mandating that Americans take a COVID-19 vaccine is illegal, unconstitutional and a gross infringement on individual liberty. 

The decision to get a vaccine is a private choice best made between an individual and their doctor. There is nothing more anti-science and arbitrary than mandating vaccines, especially for people who have already had COVID-19. No one should be forced to get a vaccine.  

My suggestion: do not get a vaccine or any medical treatment you do not want. This is your choice. If you conclude you want the shot, get it!

Gosar to Biden’s ATF Nominee: So Long, Goodbye!

As a faithful Gosar Newsletter reader, you will recall that a few months ago I let you know of my efforts to push a resolution to impeach David Chipman, Mr. Biden’s nominee to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) – even before he was to be confirmed by the Senate. That’s how dangerous this guy is.

How dangerous is Chipman, you may ask? Check out this highlight reel: when advocating for background checks, Chipman implied that background checks could be used to “arrest people before committing crimes.” Additionally, Chipman has said that the federal government should require the registration of all existing “assault weapons” and ban the future manufacture and sale of “assault weapons,” yet during a hearing to consider his nomination before the Senate Judiciary Committee he refused to define an “assault weapon.” 

Thankfully, today I can report that our efforts paid off!!  

This week, after months and months of pressure from me and other 2A defenders, Mr. Biden withdrew David Chipman’s nomination to run the ATF.

This is a huge win for law abiding gun owners and personal liberty. Chipman, if confirmed by the United States Senate to run the agency tasked to enforce federal gun laws, would have been a direct threat to the Second Amendment rights of Americans and the rule of law.  

Chipman has been on the wrong side of every debate about the Second Amendment and was the wrong choice to run the ATF.  I’m not sad to see his nomination withdrawn!

Gosar Resumes Fight Against Democrats Partisan, Dangerous Spending Bill

Also, this week, the House Natural Resources Committee continued its marathon markup of the Democrats $3.5 Trillion Bernie Sanders Green New Deal Budget plan that I highlighted extensively in last week’s newsletter.  

Wait, you didn’t get a chance to read last week’s newsletter?  Don’t worry, life can get in the way. I totally understand.  So, if you missed last week’s newsletter, don’t fret, I got you covered! HERE IT IS! Also, here’s a pro tip I would like to share:  the Gosar Newsletter is best read in the morning while enjoying a fresh cup of joe.  

Back to the insane, aforementioned markup.

This markup included the “$200 million Pelosi Payout” that would conveniently earmark $200 million for the 1500 acre Presidio Park in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district in ultra-liberal San Francisco.  

In contrast, I offered an important amendment to protect endangered species regulations enacted by the Trump Administration but my Democrat colleagues voted that down in favor of earmarking slush funds for partisan pet projects like Nancy’s fancy park.

How Crazy is Congress?   

Pretty crazy. The House Natural Resources Committee held a vote on my bill regarding using federal lands for solar and wind energy. Democrat Congressman Mike Levin used to be a cosponsor with me, but he has tender feelings about January 6and somehow thinks I did something wrong by asking for election integrity. So, he voted against my bill to spite me…and his own constituents…even though he has previously cosponsored this bill and has his own bill that literally copied mine. Our country deserves better people in Congress than these fragile flowers.  

Read more about this pettiness here.

Gosar Takes Additional Action to Address Biden’s Failed Afghanistan Strategy

The perilous situation in Afghanistan is far from over, and I remain deeply concerned with the countless Americans still trapped in terrorist-controlled country. Thousands of you have contacted my office to share similar concern and anger.  This week, I cosponsored the Protecting American Taxpayers from the Taliban Act. If enacted, this legislation will ban American taxpayer dollars from being used for foreign aid or economic assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan. 

Did You Know?

On a lighter note, did you know that that this week, on September 9, National Teddy Bear Day was observed to honor one of our favorite stuffed toy?

Teddy Bear Day? Who knew?

This trivia nugget comes from Mohave County Supervisor Buster Johnson:

Teddy Bear Day – In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt was hunting in Mississippi and he refused to shoot a very small bear. (Politically smart then, as now.) Well, the Washington Post picked up the story, and made a cartoon. Toy store owners, Morris and Rose Michtom, wrote to him and asked for permission to call their stuffed animals “Teddy Bears.” He cheerfully agreed. And, Teddy Bears became wildly popular. Their company went on to become the Ideal Toy Company, one of the largest toy companies in the world. Many of us had teddy bears as our first toy, a comforting figure to ward off demons in the night.”

So, there you have it! Happy Teddy Bear Day to children and grown-ups, alike!

Tweet of the Week

Tweet of the week: Biden missile strike in Afghanistan kills a family of ten civilians including six children. Military and Biden administration officials refuse to acknowledge the truth even though it is all on film and flushed out by the New York Times.  

See Tweet here.

Gosar in the News and Other Stories We Think You’ll Want to Know

Fox News, White House to Withdraw Controversial ATF Nominee David Chipman

Townhall, GOP House Oversight Members Launching Investigation into EPA’s Ties to China

Daily Mail, Republicans Hit Back at Capitol Riot Committee and Urge Phone Companies to Preserve AOC’s Kamala Harris’ and Nancy Pelosi’s Records from January 6

KYMA, Rep. Gosar Attributes Rise in Teen Drug Use to Two Major National Issues

Washington Times, Dems Block Bid to Stop Biden’s $3.5T Bill from Sending Taxpayer Money to Countries with Slave Labor

Washington Examiner, Portland Professor Resigns, Saying University Turned Into ‘Social Justice Factory’

Fox News, State Department Obstruction of Private Rescue Flights from Afghanistan Revealed in Leaked Email


**Last Chance** My staff will be holding office hours in Payson TOMORROW. 

Call (928) 445-1683 to schedule an appointment today!

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