UNESCO MGIEP invites you to register for the
3rd World Youth Conference on Kindness
The deadly Covid-19 pandemic, climate change disasters, and terrible conflicts have been met by amazing and inspirational acts of kindness especially from youth.
The 3rd edition of the Kindness Conference on Saturday 2 October(UN International Day of Non-Violence and Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday) will highlight 40 amazing youth whose seminal acts of kindness made and changed lives for the better.
Like the previous two years, you can expect high energy and action! A mix of short keynote sessions, breakout sessions, launches, poetry, meditation, award-winning short films, and exciting global musical acts. In this age of too many virtual events, the Kindness Conference is just 3 hours!
Please forward this to your global youth networks and follow our social media for details.
Senior Project Officer
UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP)
35 Ferozshah Road, ICSSR Building, 1st Floor, New Delhi 110001, India
Reflect. Empathize. Be Kind.