Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Pledge of Allegiance



Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2021 11:55 AM
Subject: Pledge of Allegiance





This vote only requires you to forward it to someone else for it to be counted                         
As many of you are aware, the Knights of Columbus submitted to congress that the words “Under God” based on a poll taken by NBC on what percentage should keep the words in our pledge versus the percent who want it removed.                        
If you read this and agree that “under God” should be left in the pledge, then just forward it to others and you have voted for it to be left in.  If you delete it and don’t forward it you are voting NO to “under God.”  Easy, huh?                        
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Shock to NBC     

This is not sent for discussion.  If you agree, forward it  If you don’t, delete it. I don’t want to know one way or the other.  By my forwarding it, you know how I feel.     

86% to keep God in the Pledge of Allegiance and 14% against. That is a commanding public response. Why should our Nation cater to 14%?

If you agree, pass this on  If not, simply delete.

(Gene’s notes)  When our founding fathers, the pilgrims, came to this country, they realized that it was through the grace of GOD that they had made the journey safely and they gave praise to GOD.


Shortly afterwards they held a Thanksgiving feast.  Who do you think they were thanking?  The were giving thanks to our Maker, GOD Almighty.


They also attributed the founding of our country to GOD, but it was by the hands of GOD that this country has risen to its greatness and any who lives and works in this great country can do and become anything they want to if they work and strive for it.  No other country’s citizens have the largess of the Americans and all of this through the hands of GOD.


Throughout this great nation edifices carry the words attributing all to GOD.  Yes, indeed, in GOD we trust….it’s on our buildings, monuments and our currency.


I don’t know exactly when it began, but some of America’s leaders took it upon themselves to believe that all our being and all our greatness came as a result of their hands and not the hands of GOD.  They took prayers away, strickened GOD’s name from text books and from the classrooms.  They’ve tried to take away GOD from our government, our society and they are trying to take Him away from our hearts.  But, hey, they can’t take Him away from me.


I don’t know what effect passing the above on to other will have, but I am going to pass it along.  And, you know what?  GOD will take care of the rest.  Amen!








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