Central Union Mission
Bring Relief From the Heat With Just $2.09
Dear Peter,
WHY would someone be living in their car during July and August in the middle of one of the hottest summers on record?
BECAUSE they already spent the last year having to choose between paying rent and buying food. One unexpected job loss or medical bill later, and they lost their home.
We are concerned about the economic strain brought forth by COVID-19 upon people in the D.C. Metro Area who are facing challenges they weren’t prepared for. Too many people are getting behind on rent and about to lose their housing. We need your help.
To make matters worse, this year is predicted to be one of D.C.’s hottest summers in recorded history — with the average high temperature at 91 degrees during the month of July and getting hotter in August! We are troubled by the thought of people forced to live in their cars. It’s devastating but also downright dangerous. Dehydration, sunburn and heatstroke are prevalent.
Each $2.09 gift you give provides relief in the form of fresh drinking water, air-conditioned day shelter and nutritious meals to men in need. YOU are part of the solution. Your gift fulfills a need that is concrete and tangible, that allows a man to go from surviving to thriving.
It’s a humbling experience when someone comes to our door asking for help. But when they do, YOUR $2.09 gift per meal provides services that they can carry forward into the rest of their lives. Our aim is the physical, mental, spiritual, educational, legal, financial, and familial wholeness and restoration on the terms of our guests, not our own. We are restoring broken lives into true wholeness. Thank you again. And God bless you.GIVE NOW
“Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
Central Union Mission
65 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20001
(202) 745-7118