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Gosar Introduces Separation of Powers Restoration Act

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jessica Lycos

July 1,

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after introducing the Separation of Powers Restoration Act, legislation that restores the Constitution’s basic principal of dividing the federal government into separate branches with independent powers. 

“For too long, the executive branch regardless of political party has developed an unbridled concentration of power never envisioned by the Founding Fathers. From forever wars and endless executive orders to overreaching emergency declarations, the executive branch has greatly weakened our system of checks and balances against one branch of government by exerting greater influence than the others. 

My common sense legislation would restore the separation of powers and rein in an over-reaching executive branch as established by the Constitution,” said Rep. Paul Gosar.

Original Cosponsors: Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-04), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14).


The separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law under which the federal government is separated into the executive, legislative and judicial branches.  Each branch has separate powers and one branch is not allowed to exercise the powers of the other branches.  Congress writes the laws, the executive branch enforces the laws.

The Separation of Powers Restoration Act repeals the War Powers Resolution Act, terminates all states of emergency, reinvests national emergency declaration authority in Congress, blocks all Presidential orders unless it is the President acting with express authority granted in the Constitution or given by an Act of Congress, and gives members of Congress, state and local governments, and the People, standing to challenge Presidential orders in court which exceed executive power.  

To read a copy of the bill text, click HERE.

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