Lime Rock Park

Hooked on Driving and Make A Wish Lime Rock ParkJune 18-19,2021

Hooked on Driving partnered with G-Shock and Franklin Stevens Jewelers to host a charity giveaway for the MAKE A WISH Foundation.
Don’t get left out, register today!
IMPORTANT EVENT INFORMATION: Run groups will be limited.
Track time per run group will be almost 3 hours per group per day. This is a Solo Driver event. We will not have a Novice group. Hooked on Driving NE will be holding a special data-driven HPDE at Lime Rock Park. Learn the basics of data analysis and have your laps analyzed on-site! If you aren’t using data yet, you don’t want to miss this event.
No special hardware or software is required, we’ll have a few AIM Solo 2 DL data loggers for students to share if you don’t already have a data system in your car.
Email Northeast@hookedondriving.com with any questions
Click below for Northeast event details and registration. HOOKED ON DRIVING WEBSITE

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