Peter A. Hovis

Progress Arizona



PEVL becomes AEVL. Amid the sham Cyber Ninjas election audit, Republicans in the Arizona Legislature narrowly passed SB1485, the anti-voter bill that will remove hundreds of thousands of Arizonans off the formerly “permanent” early voting list. Ducey signed the bill into law less than an hour it was sent to him. Activists are calling on Senators Sinema and Kelly to pass national voting rights standards, to protect against future attacks on our freedom to vote. 

Metamorphosis of Kyrsten Sinema. The new profile on Kyrsten Sinema’s journeyfrom radical activist to Senate obstructionist is a must read. Earlier last week, Sinema met with Joe Biden at the White House to discuss his infrastructure plans. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell is privately assuring colleaguesthat Kyrsten Sinema will block Biden’s plans. Biden’s plan would impose a tax hike on the wealthy, while the Republican’s smaller, less ambitious plan, would shift the burden from corporations to workers. 

Solidarity with Palestinians. Hundreds of Arizonans rallied at the Arizona capitol to show support for Palestinians amid the violence occurring in the Middle East, during which 188 Palestinians and 7 Israelis have been killed. The state of Israel has been conducting an air assault against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, following forcible evictions against Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, the storming of the al-Asqa mosque by Israeli police, an the firing of rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip. The Biden administration’s rhetoric has focused on defending Israel’s actions, with little said about ongoing human rights abuses by Israel and the decades-long occupation. To no avail, activists are calling on Biden to speak up in defense of Palestinians, and for the U.S. to cut back on aid provided to Israel. The Council on American-Islamic Relations and other American Muslim organizations are boycotting Biden’s Eid ul-Fitr celebrationtoday in response. 

 Laugh so you don’t cry. Trevor Noah coversArizona’s sham election audit on the Daily Show. 

A progressive refresher. Watch our short video explaining everything you need to know about the filibuster, and why it has to go. 

Don’t miss the 5/20rally. A diverse coalition of Arizona community organizations are hosting End the Filibuster rallies statewide in Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff. Join us in demanding that Senators Sinema and Kelly do what is right for Arizonans and eliminate the arcane Senate rule to pass the legislation we need. 


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