Better Days
Hey Peter Anthony,
Thanks for being a part of our community! 😊 We know nobody understands what it’s like to live with your condition(s) better than you.
This Week’s Topic:
- Share your experience living with Lupus, Fibromyalgia or ME/CFS.
Click the button below to post on BetterDays now!Join the ConversationIn Case You Missed It – Member Experiences
Lupus SLE and my hair loss experience
People underrate how traumatic it is to lose your hair. I never understood it until it happened to me…
Read the full experience here.
Fibromyalgia and exercise
If anyone has any tips on how you manage to stay active, I’d love to hear them…
Read the full experience here.😊 We look forward to reading your experiences and learning together!Here’s to Better Days,
Lauren and the BetterDays Team