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Congressman Paul Gosar

Gosar Reacts to the Passage of Democrat Amnesty Bills

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-4) issued the followed statement after voting against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, and H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act.

“In less than two months, the Biden Administration’s decisions to open our southern border, ignore immigration enforcement laws and halt the completion of construction of the wall have destroyed much of President Trump’s progress in stopping illegal aliens from pouring into our country. Today, our nation now finds itself in the midst of a growing health, humanitarian and security crisis created by Joe Biden.

The Biden Administration’s open border policy coupled with Nancy Pelosi’s amnesty bills taken up today in Congress will only exacerbate the growing humanitarian, health and security crisis along the southern border. It is shocking to me that House Democrats’ answer to the Biden-created border crisis is to take up legislation that would give amnesty plus a path towards citizenship to more than five million illegal aliens.

This is like pouring gasoline on a wildfire. We should not be incentivizing more illegal immigrants to unlawfully enter our country. Instead, we must condemn these attempts, enforce the laws on the books and take all necessary steps to get our border under control,” said Rep. Gosar.

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