Peter A. Hovis

Save the Date: LARC Senior Show on March 15

College Architecture and

Environmental Design

You’re Invited to the CPLA Senior Show

Cal Poly Landscape Architecture Senior Show Poster

Landscape Architecture Senior Show

When: Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 1-5 p.m. (Awards at 2 p.m.)

Where: Swanson Center of Effort Conference Hall (Building 156, Room 110)

1 Grand Avenue

San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

Cal Poly’s Landscape Architecture Department would like to invite the college community and its supporters to its Landscape Architecture Senior Showcase.


Fifty-one talented students, along with faculty, staff, and their team of supporters, will celebrate the culmination of their years at Cal Poly. Each student will present the unique capstone project they have worked on for the past three quarters. These projects represent a wide range of project scales and types that address real-world challenges, from climate adaptation to urban revitalization. They culminate big dreams, hours of design ideation and intense research.


Join us in celebrating the class of 2025 and their remarkable achievements. And be sure to wear bright, bold colors to support the Pantone theme.


We’ll see you there!

Visit us at

College of Architecture and Environmental Design
1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93407, 805-756-1111

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