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Have you saved the date? Valleypalooza is on 4/19 from 9 am to 2 pm. Will you be there?
Tax/CPA Advice?
Have you registered for our FREE class this Thursday? Learn the most important tax strategies to keep more of your hard earned money in your pocket. You can RSVP here.
Fitness February Is Here
We’re back with Fitness February and our Special Guest Ashley Beeman. She discusses the power of consistent habits, walking and simple things to make a big difference.
Listen to it by clicking below.
Top Post
A topic that isn’t very “sexy” is lice but it was our top performing post last week. Get all the juicy details and comments by clicking below.
Quantity vs Quality
Our Group has grown a lot over the past 2 years, and 1 thing has always held true-I do not accept everyone into the Group. Roughly 40% of people looking to join Living North Phoenix get accepted.
Many homebuyers right now (understandably so) don’t want to pay high interest rates. I wouldn’t either.
Because we are in a Buyer’s Market, with the right Agent (me) 🙂 it is super common to get sellers to pay closing costs, which could include buying downyour rate to get to the high 5s or low 6s.
This is not always an ARM (adjustable rate) so if you are serious about buying, reach out. There is no cost or obligation. 480-233-6433