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Monarch Butterfly Proposed For Listing. What Does That Mean?

Hello All, 

Thank you to Heather for forwarding this to me. The proposal to list is the initial step in the listing process. The urgency of the listing and the vigor of the proponents dictates the speed and outcome of the proposal. Please read this notice, it may be helpful in your decisions concerning your gardening and your environment.

I will try to keep you up to date on this process and I will send out notices such as this as they appear. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. 

We will always have a few minutes at our speaker gatherings to make announcements such as this.

And as usual please let me know if you wish to Unsubscribe.

Thanks, hank

The US Fish & Wildlife Service just announced their proposal to list the monarch butterfly as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act. You might have a lot of questions about how monarchs got here, and what an ESA listing will mean for both the butterflies and your conservation work.

Why are monarchs in trouble? Does planting milkweed help? Will I get in trouble for rearing monarchs in my garden? Read the Xerces Society’s FAQ with these answers and more.

Hank Hohenstein, OFS
Land Steward
161 Osprey Vista
Shady Cove, OR 97539
Cell: 541-973-5442
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