A Personal Recommendation From Rav Meir Sirota Shlita:
29 Kislev 5785
“I have to recommend and request from the depths of my heart on the behalf of a person who is very dear to me, a man of chesed and great deeds, R’ Yosef Meir Cohen shlita who is in financial distress.
He was the Chairman of the Board of a large company that imported wine to Eretz Yisrael, the owner of the company ran away with enormous sums of money and left behind huge debts, and everything fell on him even though he was not at fault. He was forced to sell his house, and all of his possessions, and has been left with nothing.
Now, he is imprisoned for the remainder of the debts that he has to pay. To release him from prison the large sum of 600,000 shekel is needed – and this is a matter of Pidyon Shvuyim. Every day that he is there affects his health, he was a huge Baal Chesed and it is a great mitzvah to help him.
Therefore, I am turning to all my brothers, to Klal Yisroel, merciful Jews, I am begging and pleading with you – please have mercy on him and give, assist him with an open hand and a generous spirit, with significant support to release him from confinement. Lucky is the one who takes part in this mitzvah as soon as possible.
In the merit of this mitzvah you should merit to be blessed with abundance, blessing and success and all of your heart’s wishes should be fulfilled for the good. With blessing, happiness and wealth all of your days, and a long and good life.
Signing for the importance of the mitzvah,
Meir Sirota
Rav & Mot”z of the Eida Chareidis” |