Peter A. Hovis

Maran HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky shlit”a with unique testimony about the close relationship between HaRav Stiegel zt”l and Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l


Maran HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky shlit”a wants to follow in the footsteps of Maran Sar HaTorah zt”l and help this family

“The niftar, HRHG’ Rabbi Michel Stiegel zt”l was close to Abba zt”l all his life. He didn’t move even a hairsbreadth from what he told him Abba wrote about him that he “fears HaShem greatly”

Now his wife is left without a place to live and with two orphaned children at home.He stood by Abba’s side during his lifetime and was always ready to help him.

Whoever gives $360 for his family will certainly merit siyatta diShmaya and Abba will advocate for him in the World of Truth that he should have great yeshuos in ruchniyus and in gashmiyus”



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