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This Week With Gosar

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October 20, 2024

AZ Taxpayers Spent Over $100 K for Child Sex Changes

Taxpayers in Arizona spent over $100,000 for sex changes involving minors, according to a sickening report released this week by Stop The Harm.  The report shows that hospitals in Arizona saw 243 minors who were “sex change patients,” including 78 total surgery patients.  Taxpayers in Arizona picked up the tab for five of these because the appalling procedures were paid for by Medicaid for a total of $108,708.

I unequivocally oppose sex-change surgeries and any drugs meant to aid dangerous medical professionals in their illogical pursuit to change boys into girls and girls into boys.  The Protecting Children from Experimentation Act and the End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act are two bills I have cosponsored that would prevent such despicable procedures. The Protecting Children From Experimentation would make it a criminal offense to perform such a surgery on a minor.  The other bill restricts taxpayer funding from paying for these surgeries in insurance programs such as Medicare or Medicaid. Our children’s lives and well-being have never been more threatened.  God created mankind male and female, and the psychological and physical effects of denying human nature are profound and unimaginably damaging. No state, including Arizona, should allow children to be mutilated and chemically castrated.


FBI Secretly Adjusts Crime Statistics

I bet you didn’t hear about this in the Fake News: this week the FBI secretly revised crime data to show that violent crime rose in 2022 after claiming it had fallen.

Back up: The FBI originally released the “final” crime data for 2022 in September 2023, reporting that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by 2.1%. This quickly became, and remains, a Democratic Party talking point to counter Donald Trump’s claims of soaring crime.  In fact, during last month’s presidential debate, in front of millions of viewers, ABC debate moderator David Muir “fact-checked” President Trump for noting that “crime in this country is through the roof.”

Once again, President Trump was right, and the Fake News was once again FAKE. 

The FBI released new data that shows violent crime increased in 2022 by 4.5%. The new data includes thousands more murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults.  Surprise, surprise: Neither the Fake News nor the FBI made any mention of these revisions in the September 2024 press release.  That’s why it is so important to read the Gosar Newsletter every week, it’s the only way to stay informed!

Biden and Harris Send Million$ More to Ukraine

The Biden-Harris Administration announced this week it is sending another $425 million to Ukraine. Meanwhile, countless Americans cannot afford to buy groceries or fill their car up with gasoline.  Many other Americans are still suffering and helpless after the devastating hurricanes with minimal help from our government.  America has now sent over $200 billion to Ukraine and I have voted against every single penny on this proxy war.  Ukraine is a never-ending drain on taxpayers.  Biden and Harris to American Citizens: YOU ARE NOT A PRIORITY.  This is truly an America Last administration. 

District Spotlight

As champion of animal welfare and wellbeing and a supporter of the accredited zoo and aquarium community, I recently joined several of my colleagues in sending a letter to USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service demanding they address growing concerns about zoo and aquarium facility inspection policy and consistency.  In response to my advocacy, this week I was invited to visit the Wildlife World Zoo and Aquarium in Litchfield Park.  The park boasts Arizona’s largest collection of exotic and endangered animals, with over 600 separate species on display.  If you’ve never been, I encourage you to visit this amazing facility in Maricopa County.

It’s Mail Time!                                               

📬 I receive thousands of letters each month from constituents, and I appreciate hearing from everyone. Here are a few of those who wrote in this week:

📨 Phillip R. from Golden Valley, AZ wrote:

Why should colleges say who students vote for? Why should they teach hate and division in this country? Please support the End Woke Higher Education Act.

✍ Phillip, you will be happy to learn that I voted “yes” to support this legislation when it made it to the House of Representatives floor for a vote last month.  You can check out how I along with others in Congress voted by clicking here. The End Woke Higher Education Act reverses the trend of universities and accreditors abandoning their mission to equip students to discover truth and think for themselves by upholding Americans’ constitutional rights and restoring viewpoint diversity throughout postsecondary education.

Unless you are antisemitic, freedom of speech is under attack on college campuses.  Without free speech, our universities lose their purpose as truth-seeking institutions and become nothing more than liberal indoctrination camps.  Instead of holding colleges and universities to high standards of excellence, some accreditors are now requiring institutions to push one-sided agendas like incorporating DEI into American universities. 

I will not surrender America’s universities to the woke ideologues or the ballooning education bureaucracy.  Individuals who choose higher education as their path deserve colleges and universities that enable their success while also respecting their free speech.  I want young Americans to graduate ready to begin fulfilling careers.  Not surprisingly, the Biden-Harris Administration opposes this bill.

📨 Steve S. from Kingman, AZ asks:

I am working with a group compiling a database to confirm that H.R. 82 cosponsors, including those who signed Discharge Petition No. 16, will honor their commitment to vote on the measure in November. Please confirm your continued commitment and planned “yea” vote for H.R. 82.

✍ Steve, great letter!  As you know, H.R. 82 would repeal the government pension offset (GPO) and the windfall elimination provision (WEP).  Under current law, those provisions reduce OASDI benefits for individuals who receive a pension based on earnings in government employment that was not covered under the Social Security program.


My congressional district has over 200,000 residents eligible for Social Security benefits with tens of thousands of more who will be eligible in the coming years.  


In early September, my colleagues Garret Graves and Abigail Spanberger filed a discharge petition to force a vote on this piece of bipartisan legislation.  I signed that petition.   As you point out, now that we are guaranteed a vote, Republicans and Democrats alike must keep up the pressure to ensure that this bill makes it across the finish line in November when Congress returns to Washington, D.C. 


You may also be interested to know that I am the sponsor of the No Tax on Social Security Actwhich excludes Social Security from gross income for tax purposes to ensure senior citizens are not doubly taxed and deprived of benefits which they have rightfully earned.  H.R. 82 expands on my efforts to reform Social Security to ensure Americans are receiving the benefits they deserve.

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

📸 Elizabeth Brewer from Prescott Valley sent in this photo of an adult female Praying Mantis perched on a Red Yucca as she patiently awaits the arrival of her next meal. Amazing picture, Elizabeth.  Thanks for sharing.

Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?”   If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to to include your name and where you live. 

Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:

🗞 Grand Canyon Times: Taxpayers spent over $100,000 for kids’ ‘sex change’ interventions in Arizona, report shows

📰 Defense News: White House approves $425 million in new Ukraine aid

🗞 Breitbart: U.S. to send $425M in more military aid to Ukraine

📰 Fox News: ABC debate fact-check of Trump ages poorly as FBI quietly revises violent crime statistics up

🗞 New York Post: Trump unveils border plan with 10,000 new agents given raises and signing bonuses

⚠ Warning!!  The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence.  We link to interesting stories.  We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff.  We don’t vouch for every publication or every author.  If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views.  While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter.  We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic. 🚨


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