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Musk, Gates, Bezos Back Nuclear: Why You Should Consider Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) for the #1 Spot on Your Watchlist


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Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC)

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) comes backed by several potential catalysts including:

Backed by Industry Titans: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos support nuclear power, and Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) aligns with this vision

Part of $1.5T Nuclear Renaissance: Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) is positioned for growth as nuclear energy funding is projected to hit $1.5T by 2050.

Clean, Reliable Energy: Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC)provides exposure to uranium, a key resource for stable, carbon-free nuclear energy.

Strategic Role in AI Growth: Rising energy needs from companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft may boost demand for uranium, benefiting Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC).

Low Risk, High Efficiency: Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) focuses on royalties and streams, avoiding mining risks while benefiting from uranium production.

Diversified Portfolio: Uranium Royalty Corp has 19 projects across key uranium regions like the U.S., Canada, and Namibia.

Stable Energy Solution: Nuclear power solves the intermittency of renewables, and Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) supports this reliable, long-term energy source.

October 20, 2024

Dear Reader,

As global energy needs intensify, uranium has emerged as a critical resource in the future of energy production.

Known for its incredible energy density, just an inch of refined uranium can generate the same power as three barrels of oil.

This remarkable efficiency has attracted attention from the leading titans of industry like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Sam Altman, Chamath Palihapitiya, and Elon Musk, all of whom are now championing the nuclear energy narrative.

One company embracing this movement is Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC).

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) is a little-known company focused on uranium royalties.

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) stands out in the nuclear energy sector, offering a distinctive path for those interested in supporting the shift to uranium as a key energy source.

The Nuclear Renaissance and Its Power Players

Nuclear energy is making a strong comeback, with global funding projected to reach a staggering $1.5T by 2050.

This resurgence is largely driven by the escalating demand for electricity, especially from artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google have turned to nuclear power to meet the rising energy demands of their data centers.

Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates have long been advocates for nuclear energy. Gates, through TerraPower, is working on next-generation nuclear reactors, while Bezos backs advanced nuclear technologies through his other ventures.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has also supported the nuclear sector through his backing of Oklo, a nuclear power startup that has witnessed a 1,000-fold increase in customer energy demands.

Unlike wind and solar, nuclear power is not intermittent.

It provides reliable, constant energy production, with plants operating more than 90% of the time.

This makes nuclear energy an essential component of a stable, low-carbon energy future.

Elon Musk: Shutting Down Nuclear Plants is “Total Madness”

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been vocal in his support for nuclear energy.

In a 2022 interview with Business Insider, Musk criticized the decision to shut down nuclear power plants, calling it “total madness.”

He argued that decommissioning nuclear facilities, especially in places like Germany where natural disaster risks are minimal, is a strategic mistake.

“It is crazy to shut down nuclear power plants now, especially if you are in a place where there are no natural disasters,” Musk remarked, stressing the need to keep existing nuclear plants operational and even to reopen those that have been shut down.

As nuclear energy sees a resurgence, companies like Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) are finding unique ways to support this growth.

Rather than mining uranium themselves, Uranium Royalty Corp has adopted a royalty and streaming model, providing exposure to uranium production without the complexities and risks of operating mines.

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC): A Game-Changer in the Uranium Sector

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) is revolutionizing how business is done in the uranium sector. Unlike traditional mining companies, UROY does not own or operate uranium mines.

Instead, it has adopted a royalty and streaming model, which provides exposure to uranium production without the operational risks associated with mining.

As the first publicly traded pure-play uranium royalty company, UROY has carved a niche for itself in an industry ripe for growth.

Here’s what sets Uranium Royalty Corp apart and why you should consider adding it to your watchlist:

Innovative Business Model

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) focuses exclusively on managing and growing a portfolio of uranium royalties and streams.

This allows the company to sidestep the complexities and political challenges of operating mines, while still benefiting from uranium production and price increases.

The company’s approach is similar to successful royalty models in the gold and silver industries, but it’s the first to bring this model to uranium.

Diverse and Growing Portfolio

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) has built a solid foundation with a royalty portfolio that includes 19 projects across the globe.

These projects span key uranium-producing regions, including the United States, Canada, Namibia, and Spain.

This geographic diversification ensures Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC)’s exposure to high-quality assets in mining-friendly jurisdictions.

Strategic Partnerships

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) has forged a strategic partnership with one of the world’s leading physical uranium holding companies.

Through this partnership, UROY gains direct exposure to physical uranium, allowing it to benefit from fluctuations in uranium prices.

The relationship also opens the door to future royalty and streaming agreements with Kazatomprom, the world’s largest uranium miner.

No Mining Headaches

Unlike traditional uranium miners, Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) avoids the operational risks of mining by focusing on royalties and streams.

Royalty holders like Uranium Royalty Corp contribute capital to mining projects and receive a percentage of the production or revenue.

This model is highly efficient, as it allows the company to benefit from uranium production without being involved in day-to-day mining operations.

Exposure to Physical Uranium and Future Growth Plans

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) aims to expand its portfolio by acquiring royalties in future uranium projects and entering into long-term agreements to purchase physical uranium.

These efforts are aimed at increasing its exposure to uranium prices and positioning itself for the long-term growth of the uranium market.

Strong Leadership

Uranium Royalty Corp is led by a management team with decades of experience in the uranium and mining sectors.

The team is spearheaded by Amir Adnani, Chairman and Director, who founded Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) with the vision of bringing the royalty and streaming model to the uranium sector.

The CEO, Scott Melbye, has over 40 years of experience in the nuclear energy industry, while CFO Josephine Man brings deep financial expertise from her time at Gold Royalty Corp.

How Royalties and Streams Work: The Core of UROY’s Business

The royalty and streaming business model is what sets UROY apart.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how these deals work:


UROY provides funding for uranium projects and secures a percentage of the future production or revenue.

Depending on the terms of the deal, this can be a share of the minerals extracted, total revenue, or even profits after expenses.

By offering capital upfront, UROY secures a portion of future output without being involved in the operational management of mining.


Similar to royalties, streaming agreements allow UROY to offer upfront financial support to uranium producers in return for future uranium production at pre-set prices.

These arrangements enable UROY to benefit from uranium production while locking in advantageous purchase prices, often below market value.

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC)’s portfolio includes royalties on some of the most promising uranium projects in the world. For example:

Churchrock – New Mexico, USA: One of the largest undeveloped ISR uranium projects in the U.S., with an inferred resource of over 50Mn pounds of uranium.

Cigar Lake/Waterbury Lake – Saskatchewan, Canada: One of the highest-grade uranium deposits globally, with proven reserves of over 200Mn pounds of uranium.

McArthur River – Saskatchewan, Canada: Another world-class deposit, with reserves of 380Mn pounds and a production capacity of up to 25Mn pounds of uranium per year.

The Growing Need for Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is uniquely suited to tackle two of the world’s biggest energy challenges:

  • Radically reducing carbon emissions
  • Providing a stable and predictable power supply

Renewable energy sources like wind and solar help reduce the carbon footprint but suffer from intermittency—solar only works when the sun is shining, and wind turbines turn only when the wind blows.

In contrast, nuclear plants run continuously, producing energy more than 90% of the time.

In 2021, 11 nuclear plants in Illinois and Pennsylvania generated more power than all of the solar installations in the United States combined.


And while those nuclear plants occupy only 25 square miles, an equivalent solar installation would require over 775 square miles—highlighting the efficiency of nuclear energy in terms of land use and output.

A Surge in Global Uranium Demand

The demand for uranium is set to increase dramatically as more countries turn to nuclear power. Currently, the world consumes about 200Mn pounds of uranium (U3O8) per year, but this number is expected to rise significantly as new reactors come online.

With over 440 nuclear reactors already operational and another 170 planned or under construction, the appetite for uranium is only growing.

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) is positioning itself to thrive in this environment.

By focusing on royalty and streaming deals, the company sidesteps the risks associated with mining operations, while still benefiting from the surge in uranium demand.

AI’s Energy Demands and Nuclear’s Role

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence is another key factor driving the need for reliable energy.

Data centers, which power AI models and cloud computing, consume enormous amounts of electricity.

Nuclear energy, with its stable and low-carbon output, is emerging as the preferred solution to meet these needs.

Major tech companies are leading this shift.

Amazon is joining Google and Microsoft in embracing nuclear power to meet the growing energy demands driven by the AI boom.

The company announced that nuclear energy will play a key role in powering its operations and supporting its commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.

Matt Garman, CEO of Amazon Web Services, emphasized that nuclear energy is a safe, carbon-free source that will help meet customer needs while aligning with their Climate Pledge goals.

With AI models becoming more sophisticated, the energy required to sustain them has skyrocketed.

As a result, nuclear energy’s consistent power generation is being embraced as the ideal complement to renewables.

7 Reasons to Consider Adding Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) to Your Watchlist

With a clearer understanding of the nuclear energy landscape, here’s why Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) stands apart:

1. Backed by Industry Titans: Leading figures like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos are strong advocates for nuclear energy. Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) is aligned with this growing movement as these influential leaders push for nuclear power to meet global energy demands.

2. Part of the $1.5T Nuclear Energy Renaissance: With global funding for nuclear energy projected to reach $1.5T by 2050, Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) is positioning itself in the industry’s resurgence.

3. A Pathway to Clean, Reliable Energy: As the world shifts toward cleaner energy solutions, nuclear power provides a stable and carbon-free alternative. Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC)supports this transition by offering exposure to uranium, a critical resource for powering nuclear energy.

4. Strategic Role in the Growing AI Industry: As tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google increasingly rely on nuclear energy to power their data centers, Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) could potentially benefit from the rising demand for uranium driven by AI’s massive energy needs.

5. Reduced Risk, High Efficiency: Unlike traditional mining companies, Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) focuses on royalties and streams, avoiding the operational risks of mining while still benefiting from uranium production, offering a more efficient model in the nuclear sector.

6. Geographically Diverse Portfolio: Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) holds a portfolio of 19 projects spanning uranium-rich regions across the U.S., Canada, Namibia, and Spain, ensuring diversified exposure to the global uranium market and reducing geographical risks.

7. A Stable Solution to Energy Challenges: Nuclear energy, with its consistent power generation, addresses the intermittency issues of renewables like wind and solar. Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) plays a crucial role in supporting this stable, long-term energy solution that many governments and industries are adopting.

Consider putting Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) #1 on Your Watchlist…

Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) is uniquely positioned at the intersection of several critical global trends. Backed by influential industry figures like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos, the company is aligned with the growing push for nuclear energy to meet rising global power demands. As part of the $1.5T nuclear energy resurgence, Uranium Royalty Corp offers a pathway to clean, reliable energy, playing a vital role in the future of power generation.

With its focus on royalties and streams, the company operates with reduced risks while maintaining exposure to uranium production. Its geographically diverse portfolio and strategic role in industries like AI further strengthen its potential.

As governments and industries look for stable energy solutions, Uranium Royalty Corp is well-placed to help power the future in a sustainable and efficient manner.

Now is the time to consider adding Uranium Royalty Corp (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) to your watchlist as the nuclear renaissance continues to gain momentum.


Alex Ramsay

Co-Founder / Managing Editor

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