Site icon Peter A. Hovis

some things you never get used to

Peter, it’s Ruben.I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to watching a former president come after me. I grew up with next to nothing and one of the most powerful people in the world just calls me out at his rallies.

That’s always going to be weird to me.

But that’s what Donald Trump did when he came here in August. Again in September. And again, this month.

He came back because Arizona is critical to his chances this year, and winning this state is personal for him after we beat him back in 2020.

He knows if he can help defeat me he’s got an open path to the White House. He’s got to go through us to win.

That raises the stakes of our campaign beyond just one seat in the U.S. Senate, and beyond our Senate Majority. This race is about beating Trump, once and for all.

I need you with me to do it, FIRST.

Any donation at all that you can afford to give helps us fight back. Our average contribution is about $30. Some give more, most give far less. All that matters is that you make that donation, if you can. Can I count on you? Anything you can give will be split with DASS.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

You have my word, we’ll put every dollar to good use.

Thanks a lot,


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