The greatest threat to us all is government violence and coercion in many forms — Natural News-Mike Adams
If you are an American, the greatest threat against your health and your life isn’t COVID, nor West Nile, nor Zika, EEE, Ebola or any other plandemic. The greatest threat against you comes from your own corrupt federal government, which relies on violence, aggression, threats, and coercion to get what it wants.
Your government attacks you with bioweapons, wages war on your psyche with propaganda, carpet bombs your lungs with chemtrail spraying, approves the spraying of your foods with toxic chemical cocktails based on chemical weapons, grants medical monopolies to toxic chemotherapy and vaccine bioweapons, all while openly encouraging violent illegals to take over your cities and neighborhoods while defunding police.
We cover this subject in depth while featuring an in-studio interview with U.S. Congressman Michael Cloud (R-TX) who discusses restoring America to its God-given greatness by bringing back the values on which America was founded.