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August 21st, 2024
Man who Predicted Trump 2016 Win: “Prepare for Election Meltdown” (ad)
Former advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House Jim Rickards went on multiple TV news programs…
In uncertain times, savvy investors turn to reliable assets. Discover the enduring power of gold with our free guide, “The Conservative Man’s Guide to Buying Physical Gold Online.” Click below to opt-in.
Wall St. Icon: Looming Financial Tsunami will Wipe Out the 1% (ad)
Wall Street icon who forecasted Black Monday and dot-com crash says a new economic event will hit the American economy like a tsunami. It doesn’t matter if you’re blue collar, white collar, working, or retired. He says, “I am literally afraid for my family’s future. I’m taking drastic steps to prepare for what I know will inevitably happen next.”
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