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Hank Hohenstein on Donald Trump

Hello All,

Susan and I were having dinner with friends when we received a text that Donald Trump had been shot as he was beginning his political rally in Pennsylvania. By the time we arrived home some news was beginning to be formally confirmed. A few stations were giving the story uninterrupted coverage. Others were running normal broadcasting.

Here is a recap of what I saw: Fox was covering the story without commercial interruption. They correctly labelled the event as an assassination attempt. However, the Washington Post was reporting that loud noises were to be heard; CNN reported that Trump had fallen; ABC was reporting that loud popping noises were heard; ABC a little later reported that Trump was rushed off the stage due to a disturbance; MSNBC reported that Trump was rushed off amidst loud popping. 

One has to wonder why the difference in reporting. It was clear within a few minutes that there was a shooter; Trump had been slightly wounded; two other event attendees had been seriously wounded; a third attendee had been killed and an unidentified shooter had been killed. 

Those are the facts, they were readily observable, yet the bulk of the media were doing their very best to tell a story that was unsupportable by what one could see via the television reporting from the scene. Thus those individuals who derive their news from the news sources that do not support Trump or attempt to be even reasonably fair when reporting on Trump, will not tell their consumers of news the complete truth of what happened.  

If one looks at the diagram of the event site it is clear someone made a massive miscalculation. The roof from which the shooter was to fire at least seven rounds wounding three (one being Trump) and killing one was only 130 yards from where Trump was standing. And it was only 130 yards from the sniper that shot and killed him. Folks, at that distance a fire fight can be lethal and that is what we observed. The question that will be asked over and over is why was an officer not posted on that rooftop? Not only was it a great location for one with lethal ideas, it was also a great site to observe the entire event facility and thus provide added visual security to a presidential candidate. 

Also there will be those who post opinions that it was a staged event and somehow Trump was involved.

These three observations should be the subject of intense review. And here is the fourth – the shooter.

The shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks who lived about an hour’s driving time from where he was killed. Here is some of his history. These are not yet fully vetted, but my sources tell me they are very worthy of investigation. Mr Crooks was: a member of Act Blue; active in the Progressive Turnout Project; associated with Seattle Antifa (2023), NYC Antifa, LA Antifa, Portland Antifa (2022), Minneapolis Antifa (2021); Chicago Anti Racist groups; and Portland Black Block. He held extreme political views; fomented disruption and unrest and participated in violent incidents.

Please keep in mind the recent unrest, especially in Minneapolis, Seattle and the 100 nights of rioting in Portland were underreported. It would make an interesting compilation to take those three cities and collect the number of people killed; the value of property destroyed; the loss of goods held for sale; the number of jobs lost; the number of days of work lost; and the added financial burden to those three cities. Then conclude the report with the number of arrests, indictments, hearing/trials, outcomes and sentences imposed and completed. It would be breathtaking reading.

Please pray for President Biden and Presidential Candidate Trump, that they may be safe and when elected (one will be) in the Presidential election of 2024 that they will institute policies that will allow citizens of the US to go about their daily business without fear. And that each citizen will be allowed to thrive in their chosen pursuits. Pray also for the family of the person killed and the two others seriously wounded.

Love, hank

Hank Hohenstein, OFS

Land Steward

161 Osprey Vista

Shady Cove, OR 97539
Cell: 541-973-5442

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