Hi Trader,
I don’t normally send out emails warning about impending market corrections, but when I do…
In all seriousness, right now, and probably for the next few months, it looks like the market is going to be in for a bumpy ride.
I’m not saying it is going to crash, but a decent retracement is looking more and more likely.
In the past, you may have taken the same approach as most professional managers, which consists of squeezing something real tight and hope it doesn’t hurt too much.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
In fact, if you have any kind of stock portfolio at all, you can actually MAKE a healthy chunk of change on any market correction.
Even if you don’t have a stock portfolio where you are risking who knows how much, and you want to capitalize on a coming correction, you can pocket a nice gain.
And I’m not talking about just taking a bearish position and risking a bunch if the correction doesn’t materialize.
I’m talking about a unique way to hedge yourself against a market correction or crash, and if it doesn’t correct, you could still pocket a few pennies.
This is a FULL HEDGE. Meaning if the market outright crashes, you are fully hedged. Check this out…
100 shares of SPY is worth 55,400. If SPY Goes to ZERO, this hedge makes 51,370.
Obviously, SPY is not going to zero, but you get the idea.