Peter A. Hovis

8 Unexpected Phrases to Learn Before Traveling to a Foreign Country

8 Unexpected Phrases To Learn Before Traveling to a Foreign Country

If you have an international trip coming up, there’s a good chance you’ve already learned how to say basic phrases such as “hello,” “thank you,” and “my name is…” in a new language. Those are essential, of course, but they’re also just the tip of the iceberg. Here are eight unexpected (but highly useful) phrases to learn in the local language before your next trip abroad.


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5 Rust Belt Cities That Are Making a Comeback

Today, many of the places that were once the heart of American manufacturing and industry have diversified their economies and revitalized their urban spaces. Discover the fascinating histories of five Rust Belt cities on the rise.


How to Actually Keep Your Luggage Clean

If you’re a seasoned traveler, your favorite suitcase has probably picked up a few scuffs, stains, or scratches on the road. But while some may consider that a point of pride, there’s a difference between weathered and dirty. These essential (and easy) tips will help you keep your luggage in tip-top shape no matter where you travel.

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