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Juneteenth is special, Peter

Peter, I’m feeling joy this Juneteenth.

It’s a day that we celebrate the anniversary of June 19, 1865, where in Galveston, Texas, the Union Army Major General Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 proclaiming that, in accordance with the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, “all slaves are free.”

This day has grown to encompass so much more — a day to reclaim our history, rejoice in our progress, and recommit to the work yet to be done.

I am so proud of the organizers, the activists, and the advocates across this nation whose tireless efforts led the push to establish this newest federal holiday in 2021.

The promise and opportunity of America through countless generations that struggled and sacrificed has brought us to this moment — and our future has never looked brighter if we all lean in.

We know the stakes of the election this November. Not just the risks, but the possibilities.

The possibility of continuing our work to create a government that looks more like America, that reflects our values, and that works to help us all rise rather than divide us apart.

Centuries of struggle are still just beginning to bear the fruits of the toil and sacrifice that have brought us here. We drink deeply from wells of freedom and liberty that we did not dig ourselves.

So as we celebrate today, let us acknowledge that for all Americans our work is not done yet, but we can rejoice on this day that shows the possibility of the more just, loving nation that I know we can become.

Peter, if you feel inspired this Juneteenth, please leave us a message to share your joy with me.


Thank you.

With love and gratitude,


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