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This Week With Gosar

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This Week With Gosar

June 16, 2024

Happy Father’s Day

“The power of a dad in a child’s life is unmatched!” – Justin Ricklefs

Gosar Votes to Hold Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

This week, the House of Representatives voted 216-207 to hold U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for ignoring lawfully issued subpoenas and failing to turn over audio recordings of Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.   

As noted in my press release, by refusing to turn over Joe Biden’s video recordings of the testimony given to Special Counsel Robert Hur in connection with Biden’s unlawful possession of classified documents, the Attorney General is engaging in yet another Biden administration coverup.    

The rule of law applies to everyone, including the Attorney General of the United States. Failing to respond to a lawfully issued subpoena is not an option, rather it is contempt of Congress and a crime. 

Here’s some breaking news, rather than prosecute Merrick Garland’s recalcitrance to the full extent of the law, as it did with Trump associates Mr. Bannon and Mr. Navarro, late Friday the Department of Justice informed the House of Representatives that it will not bring criminal charges against the Attorney General.  No one is surprised by this latest example of Biden’s two-tiered justice system.

What’s next?  Probably nothing, it will likely be swept under the rug like every other Biden injustice. However, the House could ask the Department of Justice to appoint a special counsel to convict Garland.  When the DOJ has a conflict, like it does here, a special counsel should be appointed to handle the case under 28 CFR § 600.1.  Don’t count on it.

Four Gosar Amendments Included in Military Spending Bill

This week, Congress passed the annual military spending bill more commonly known as the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA.

I am pleased to report that the NDDA contains four of my amendments including my amendment authorizing employees at the Yuma Proving Ground to use nonelectric vehicles in the performance of their duties.  The NDAA also included another of my amendments requiring the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress on the training of Ukrainian Armed Forces, including pilots, within the United States as well as my amendment requiring the disclosure of all records relating to the January 28, 2024 attack on Tower 22 in Jordan. Finally, the NDAA included my amendment prohibiting the Biden administration from diverting any funds from barracks construction for U.S. troops to facilitate further aid to Ukraine. 

Rather than funding unrealistic climate mandates, drag queen happy hours, taxpayer funded abortion services, and gender mutilation surgeries, this year’s NDAA provides a much-needed pay increase to all our servicemembers, improves their housing and access to healthcare, strengthens our military defense systems and provides much-needed oversight to ensure our armed forces are stronger and better prepared.  Importantly, unlike past legislation, this year’s NDAA does not fund the proxy war in Ukraine.

You can read more about my amendments and the FY2025 NDAA by reading my press release here.

Biden Approves American Weapons for Nazi Ukrainian Military

Several months ago, I shared in my newsletter my deep concern regarding multiple news reports detailing our tax money is being sent to Nazis in Ukraine. You can also click here to read my previous newsletter for some details about the ahem ahem “rich” history of the Azov Battalion, present-day Ukrainian Nazis who are fighting the Russians.  

Surprise surprise, in a new low even for Joe Biden, this week it was reported that the Biden administration thought it would be wise to lift the restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.  Yes, that Azov Battalion.  The very battalion whose mission is to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against semite-led subhumans.”

It seems that Joe Biden is trying to rewrite WW2 and make the Nazis the good guys, in order to get gullible Americans to back the Nazis in Ukraine.  They won’t fool us. 

Gosar Named Enemy of the State by Ukraine

Speaking of Ukraine, yours truly has been placed on “an enemy of the State of Ukraine” hitlist for repeatedly voting against sending even a penny to fund the proxy war in Ukraine.  Click here to see for yourself.  No worries, I have never voted to send money or weapons to Ukraine, and I never will.  These sorts of lists don’t intimidate me, to the contrary, I consider it a badge of honor.

As I have said from the beginning, America has no interests to protect in this war that is 6,200 miles from Phoenix.  I cannot justify spending one penny to defend other countries’ borders while our own border is wide open and 13 million illegal aliens have surged into our country since Biden took office.  The war is a blood bath of young men.  Our hands are stained with their blood as hundreds of billions in U.S. weapons have been sent to kill people.  The military industrial complex is the only winner in this war.  I have called for a cease-fire and reiterate that we need serious peace talks to stop the war.

Flag Day Presentation

🇺🇸 In honor of Flag Day, my amazing staff recently had the privilege of participating in the Lake Havasu City Elks Lodge Annual Flag DayCeremony and presented a congressional certificate to Chuck Fox, a Veteran and the Exalted Ruler of Elks Lodge #2399.  Chuck, thanks for your service!

It’s Mail Time!                                               

📬 I receive thousands of letters each month and I appreciate hearing from everyone.  Here are samples of letters I received this week.

📨 Robert M. from Tucson, AZ shares:

I wonder if this would play well: Republicans propose using United Nations and foreign aid funds to reimburse schools and local communities for the immigration problem thrust upon them?  We are housing foreign illegals, so the UN and foreign countries need to pay for their people.

📝 Robert, I like your idea.  I like defunding the United Nations even better, but you make a valid point.  If we are going to spend taxpayer dollars funding foreign nations while tens of millions of illegal aliens surge across our border, there’s a strong argument to be made that those dollars should be used to offset the nearly $450 billion spent every year paying for illegals to “enjoy” our schools, hospitals and community services.

📨 Edward S. from Litchfield Park, AZ writes:

I respectfully request that you draft legislation permanently removing the security clearances of the 51 intelligence officials that signed the public statement on the Hunter Biden laptop emails being “Russian disinformation” dated 10/19/2020.

📝 Edward, your ears must be ringing, or you are a mind reader!  I have had many conversations recently with my colleagues in Congress regarding the 51 intelligence officers who falsely put forth the Russian disinformation narrative.  To date, none of these officials have been held accountable for their election interference. They should have their security clearances revoked and they should be investigated for lying.  Stay tuned.

📨 Finally, Katherine D. from Tucson, AZ asks:

Why do you need the audio of Biden’s interview with Robert Hur? Wasn’t the transcript already provided? I don’t understand why we need to spend time on this.

📝 Katherine, I’m glad you asked. You may not know this, but the White House has corrected the transcripts of remarks given by Joe Biden at least 148 times.  Don’t believe me? You can read more about this by clicking here.  In many cases, the transcript was changed to convey the exact opposite of what Joe Biden actually said. The White House even put out a transcript that falsely portrayed what Biden said out loud.  If Biden has nothing to hide, then he should be eager to release the audio recording. 

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

📸 Kevin Davis from Golden Valley, AZ shares this photo of his dog, Sadie, keeping cool in the heat!  Looks refreshing, Kevin.  Thanks for sharing. 🐶

Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?”   If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to to include your name and where you live. 

Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:

🗞 Sputnik News: Musk: US Should Sanction Ukraine NGO Data Journalism Agency For Targeting Americans

🗞 Daily Signal: All Republicans but This 1 Vote to Hold Garland in Contempt

🗞 Daily Caller: White House Officially Claims Biden Has Made 148 Mistakes During 2024 Public Remarks

🗞 National Pulse: Biden Approves Arms for Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.

🗞 Politico: DOJ: Garland won’t face charges after House contempt vote

🗞 New York Post: Secret Alito recordings are a new low in the left’s drive to smear justices

🗞 Post Millennial: Trans swimmer Lia Thomas loses challenge to compete in women’s Olympics

🗞 Life Site: Biden DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at Texas hospital

🗞 Breitbart: Canadian Cancer Society Renames Cervix as ‘Front Hole’ to Include Trans People

🗞 Fox News: Authorities nab 8 suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS in multi-city sting operation

⚠ Warning!!  The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence.  If you are a reporter, it probably means you are in over your head already.  We link to interesting stories.  We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff.  We don’t vouch for every publication or every author.  If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views.  While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter.  We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic. 


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