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2 triple-digit gains in 4 days… What’s next?


Time is of the essence, so I’m going to get right to the point.

Options are – at the most basic level – a function of volatility. Periods of high volatility (up, down, or even choppy) spell profits.

Periods of market tranquility are a recipe for ho-hum returns.

When COVID hit, the VIX – one of the best measures for market volatility – shot through the roof.

To levels not seen since the depths of the Great Recession. Since then, the VIX has calmed down, but the market seems to be fragile…

For example… good or bad news around interest rate cuts in the future, any unexpected earnings hits, or misses, or even a surprise in DC as we draw closer and closer to election day.

Any news on these fronts and the markets will react… and volatility will almost assuredly spike even higher.

When volatility is at these levels, finding quick option profits is like shooting fish in a barrel.

These high volatility levels have allowed us to rack up some huge gains with our Expiration Week Countdown trades.

Here’s just a small sample:

  • 119.6% GAIN on Tesla puts
  • 332% GAIN on Avis Budget Group puts
  • 177.5% GAIN on Oracle calls
  • 206% GAIN on Atlassian Corp calls
  • 200% GAIN on DoorDash calls
  • 200% GAIN on Carvana Company calls
  • 203.2% GAIN on Royal Caribbean Cruises puts

Tesla and Avis Budget Group were both part of April’s batch of trades and closed out in just 4 DAYS!

When you harness the power of volatility, you set yourself up for huge, quick wins. Now, volatility can send many investors running for cover. But, for my analysts and I, this is the stuff dreams are made of.

Because as options traders, we can score huge wins whether the market goes up, down, or sideways.

And my team and I have a fast and easy way for you to make big profits.

Instead of doing the hours of research yourself or trusting the “due diligence” of random message board posters, let my team of analysts email you our 6 best trades.

On the Sunday before options expiration week each month, I send out 6 trades to our Expiration Week Countdown subscribers, each targeting gains of up to 200% in 5 days or less.

For June, that’s TOMORROW.

And let me be crystal clear… my team and I have our eye on some trades that could deliver eye-popping gains by next Friday.

That’s right, you’ll be in and out of all 6 trades by next Friday, June 21st at the latest.

Then you can spend the weekend counting up all your newfound profits.

But you need to hurry…

The early-bird slots I told you about yesterday are gone, but due to unfortunate tech issues, several folks who tried to get in were unsuccessful.

To make it up to you (and everyone who missed out) I’ve decided to keep this offer open until midnight tonight.

That means you can still get in to test-drive our 6 June trades… if you act now.

Expiration Week Countdown is normally $249 per month, but you can get in right now for just $30!

Click the link below, and I will rush your 6 Expiration Week Countdown trades the moment they go out tomorrow evening.


Have a great weekend,

Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer’s Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

Good morning, Trader.

We’re a few weeks away from wrapping up the first two quarters of the year. My goal has been the same every year for more than 42 years, and I take it very seriously…

To do everything in my power to help individual investors just like you successfully maneuver in the markets and make BIG gains!

I’m all about finding those BIG gains AND helping you cash in FAST!

Gains like 199.6% on Tesla… 332% on Avis Budget Group… and 177% on Oracle!

TSLA and CAR were a part of April’s batch of trades, and both closed out in just 4 days!

In fact, all 3 of those trades above were closed out in 5 days or less.

Now, I know the halfway point in the year usually means many investors are evaluating their current game plan…

Everyone wants to kick off the second half strong… get off on the right foot… and get some wins (and some profits) on their ledger before the election comes around.

Well… that’s exactly why I’m writing to you this morning. To tell you about a group of savvy investors that are chomping at the bit…

They’ve been making huge gains from all the market volatility over the last couple of years… and they’re about to target another stack of mega-profits… in just days!

That’s right, they’re about to embark on the most exciting 5 trading days of June.

They’ll get in on Monday, June 17th and they’ll cash out by Friday, June 21st at the latest.

Then they’ll spend next weekend counting up their profits!

I can tell you from experience… there’s not a better way to end a quarter than banking some massive trading profits.

And I have a special invitation for you to join these savvy investors on their quest for big gains… as we all strive to avoid election madness and make 2024 one of our best trading years yet.

The profit opportunities are abundant… and the price for entry is so low you won’t believe it.

Let’s start here… There are 2 keys to making serious money in this crazy market.

Profit Key #1: Add some options to your trading mix

Options traders don’t care which way the markets are moving… we just want movement.

We bank mega-gains with put options as stocks drop… and we bank super-sized profits with call options as stocks soar.

It comes down to movement… a stagnant market is no friend of the options trader.

Lord knows we’ve had movement… and with all the uncertainty in the world, the markets aren’t going to calm down any time soon.

As we all know, the second half of 2024 is centered around one thing: the election. What will happen on July 11th during Juan Merchan’s sentencing for former President Donald Trump? How will the markets react?

Plus, there’s still an uncertainty on when the Fed will lower rates… and if they do, how many times it might do so this year.

Any surprise comment or speculation could send the markets into a tizzy.

I could go on, but we can agree that market volatility is here to stay for a while.

Profit Key #2: Get in and out quickly to capitalize on the fast moves

In times of volatility, you’ve got to move fast… get in, grab the quick move, and get out with big gains.

And that brings me to next week and June options expiration.

It’s shaping up to be one of the best options expiration trading setups I’ve seen in my 42+ years in the markets.

That’s right… expiration week trading can deliver huge gains month in and month out… but June options expiration could be one for the ages.

So, here’s my ask of you…

Take just 5 more minutes to read this to the end… as I’m about to reveal how you could pocket some huge gains by next Friday (including real-life examples) with some quick-hit June options expiration week trades.

Real-Life Expiration Week Winners

As they say, the proof is in the pudding.

Well, here it is… just a small sampling of recent expiration week winners… each one opened at the start of expiration week and closed no later than that same Friday.

Check out the huge gains… and we expect June’s newest batch to add to this list:

  • 119.6% GAIN on Tesla puts
  • 332% GAIN on Avis Budget Group puts
  • 177.5% GAIN on Oracle calls
  • 206% GAIN on Atlassian Corp calls
  • 200% GAIN on DoorDash calls
  • 200% GAIN on Carvana Company calls
  • 203.2% GAIN on Royal Caribbean Cruises puts

Let’s say you placed that put option recommendation on Avis Budget Group… the one that delivered 332% gains in just 4 days!

You could’ve purchased 5 contracts for just $1,360 on Monday.

By Thursday, the contract price had more than quadrupled, turning your $1,360 investment into $5,875!

That’s a quick profit of $4,515.

The great thing about options is that you can size up your trades to supercharge your results.

If you’d bought 10 contracts, you’d have walked away with $9,030 in profit, or $18,060 if you’d gone in for 20 contracts!

Not bad for a holding period of just 4 days…

And how about that 199.6% GAIN on Tesla that I mentioned a little earlier?

Imagine if you purchased 5 call contracts for just $3,860 on Monday, April 15th.

Just four days later – on Thursday, April 18th – the contract price had nearly tripled, turning your $3,860 investment into $11,564!

That’s a $7,704 profit… again in just 4 days!

If you’d bought 10 contracts, you’d have walked away with $15,409 in profit. Or $30,818 if you’d gone in for 20 contracts!

Bottom line… The key to these profits is using all this volatility to your advantage, quickly capitalizing on big moves while limiting your exposure to just a few days in the market.

And speaking of volatility…

When a volatility jump occurs near options expiration, you have a chance to score huge, quick wins.

That’s because you can scoop up expiring options “on-sale” – often for pennies on the dollar.

Then, when volatility spikes, you can flip these options back into the market for a quick 100% or 200% profit.

We’ve been doing it for years for our Expiration Week Countdown subscribers… sending them 6 cheap options on the Sunday before options expiration and watching them cash in huge gains over and over again… always in 5 days or less.

And today, I’m inviting you to experience this strategy for yourself… starting with your first trades on Sunday.

Please note, the gains I’ve shown you – spectacular as they are – may pale in comparison to what we see next week.

Because – as I said before – June is shaping up to be anything but an “ordinary” month.

Let me explain…

Any spike in volatility close to options expiration can send contracts soaring, leading to huge gains.

Volatility? Close to options expiration? Just wait and see…

Here are just a few events on our radar:

  • Microsoft, Google, and Amazon have run circles around Apple’s shares in 2024 so far. However, how will the announcement earlier this week of Apple joining the AI race change the second half of the year?
  • While the Fed won’t meet again until July 30-31, all it takes is a surprise comment from Chairman Powell or speculation from the talking heads to send the markets rip-roaring again.
  • Companies are gearing up for Q2 earnings as we head into the second half of June.

Now, I don’t know how all this will play out.

But I do know that any one of these is enough to send markets ripping higher OR lower in a flash.

And put together, these are the ingredients for what I’m calling the June Volatility Vortex.

An unpredictable series of volatility events that could send the market soaring, tanking, or doing a wild whipsaw back and forth.

This kind of volatility would have “buy and hold” investors running for cover.

But for me and my analysts, this is the stuff dreams are made of.

Because, as options traders, we can continue scoring huge wins whether the market goes up, down, or sideways.

Let me put it this way…

If the idea of making some BIG profits by next Friday gets your adrenaline flowing, I’m about to make your day.

On the Sunday before options expiration week each month, I send out 6 trades to Expiration Week Countdown subscribers, each targeting gains of up to 200% by expiration Friday.

For June, that’s this Sunday, June 16th! (Still looking for a Father’s Day gift? 😉).

And let me say… my team and I have our eye on some trades that could deliver eye-popping gains even larger than 332% this month.

You’ll be in and out of all 6 trades by Friday, June 21st at the latest.

These trades take a minute or less to execute and they’re always simple buys of calls and puts.

Each recommendation comes with:

  • Entry Price Points: For you to know exactly which price to start at (the “buy low” part).
  • Exact Exit Instructions: You will know exactly which price to sell at (the “sell high” timing) … no guessing “when” to take your cash windfalls home.
  • Up to 200% Profit (or more) Target Per Trade: The kind of gains that can change your life.
  • Sub 5-Day Holding Period: We’re targeting quick wins here, not long-term capital lockup.
  • Charts & Analysis: So, you can “get in the heads” of our analysts and understand their thoughts behind each pick.

No fumbling around with charts, spending hours scouring the news, or anything like that.

My team will do the hard work… you simply place the trades on Monday morning, then sit back and count your profits on Friday.

It’s that easy.

I don’t recommend you try this on your own. Researching just one of these trades takes my team dozens of hours.

We rigorously test each trade against historical data. We do technical analysis, calculate implied volatility, comb through analyst reports – you name it.

Our team also follows exactly what the big institutional traders are doing. Because none of this matters if a whale dumps their position.

We start with a large pool of potential trades… then narrow it down to just the cream of the crop…

The 6 best trades poised to deliver gains of 100% or 200%… always in 5 days or less. We do this same process every month of the year for our Expiration Week Countdown subscribers.

Given the massive cash windfall potential… plus the research and resources required to produce 6 high-quality trades every month…

I’m sure you’ll agree that $249 per month is an absolute steal for this amazing program.

That’s the normal price visitors to our website pay for Expiration Week Countdown.

But this is no ordinary month… and this is no ordinary offer.

I’m so excited about the volatility and the impending profit opportunities… and I don’t want price to get in the way if you’re truly ready to take action.

So, for the first 60 action-takers only…

You can join my inner circle of Expiration Week Countdown subscribers for just $30!

That’s right… just $30 gets you in for our 6 hand-picked June trades.

It’s the perfect way to see this amazing strategy in action… and bank some big gains to end the quarter.

And this is not an auto-charge offer. Once the 6 June trades play out, you can cash out and walk away… or just contact us for a longer-term subscription offer at a special discount.

You’ve already seen how just ONE of these trades could result in cash windfalls of several thousand dollars.

Just imagine how much you could make from our 6 June trades. But…

I’m Only Offering This to Early-Bird Action-Takers

As soon as the 60 available “pre-sale” spots are gone, or at midnight tonight, this offer comes off the table.

So, if you don’t want someone else “swooping in” and taking your seat, I suggest you grab your spot RIGHT NOW.

You can join the Expiration Week Countdown inner circle here:


After you join, my team will make sure to send your 6 June expiration week trades the moment they are released on Sunday evening.

Each trade will be targeting up to 200% gains by next Friday.

Get in today and you could have a ton of extra spending money in your pocket by next weekend.

Please hear me out… I’ve been in the options market for 42+ years. And like never before, my team and I are thrilled at the opportunities we see coming down the road.

If you believe, as I do, that more volatility is in store, I hope you’ll take advantage of this limited time offer and get in on the action.

I’ve priced this incredibly low to make it easy for you to say “yes,” and see this simple-to-execute strategy in action.

Grab your spot, then circle Friday, June 21st on your calendar… as the day you’ll be counting up all your newfound profits.

Best regards,

Bernie Schaeffer
Founder & CEO
Schaeffer’s Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

5151 Pfeiffer Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45242
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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one’s entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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