Notifications cvqr RJ Hamster 7 months ago Fri, 31 May 2024 17:07:27 UTC Customer account activation Manuel Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. Thank you for subscribing! +18011394545 —-iw;gbtd;vjn Hi! Thanks for joining the 529 Garage. Your 529 Garage user name is: Now, setup a password to complete your signup —-RmidNmwG;tEvjMZ Hi depemiguju! Welcome to vjgcH! You’re only a few steps away from joining thousands of publishers and bloggers already using our widget. To verify and complete your registration, please copy and paste the verification code below into the corresponding textbox on our site. Your verification code is 2917096282 Can’t find the textbox to paste your verification code?Just click the link below to redirect to our site. Please note this link will become inactive in 48 hours: Need further assistance? Have any questions?Send us email at We look forward to boosting your traffic through our exclusive readers’ exchange ecosystem! The lEoNc team —-liGIQKFC;xnslSm Thank you for choosing nq. You may reach Customer Support by visiting our Submit A Ticket page. Craig Levy Zipcode: Zipcode Thank for your order Previously ordered | Thank for your order Thank you – your order has been received. Your Graduation Coordinator will be in touch closer to graduation to let you know when and where to collect your regalia. —-ovpufN2k;muzlrx Dear , Welcome to the Enterprise Plus® membership experience. Your Enterprise Plus member number and user name is HYFYF4W. Your membership delivers faster reservations and rentals, a special members-only line at major airport locations and exclusive discounts. In addition, you’ll be able to start earning points you can redeem for Free Rental Days after you activate your rewards. Please allow 24 hours for system updates before activating. To get the most from your next rental, simply go to http:// and log in with your member number. Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to making your next rental experience more rewarding. == You need a budget, and your email needs confirmation. == Hello! Quick note to let you know that your email needs to be confirmed before all sorts of great things happen. Like your being able to use YNAB all along your road to budgeting glory. Please confirm by clicking the link below: Confirm your email Thank you! And we’re serious about budgeting glory. It’s a real thing, and you will bask in it. Regards, The YNAB Team Hi! Thanks for joining the 529 Garage. Your 529 Garage user name is: Now, setup a password to complete your signup Bonjour Manuel ! Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. Thank you for subscribing! +12964024430 AUTORISATION D’INSCRIPTION POUR ETUDIANT MINEUR Je soussigné(e)…………………………………………………………………………………….…………, certifie sur l’honneur agir en qualité de représentant légal de ………………………………………………………….…………., et l’autorise à s’inscrire à ………………FACULTÉ D’ÉDUCATION pour l’année universitaire 2019 / 2020. A…………..………..…………, le…… / …… / …… Signature(s)* : * en cas de séparation des parents et d’autorité parentale exercée conjointement, la signature des deux représentants légaux est obligatoire. Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. Thank you for subscribing! +19032267213 Hi! Thanks for joining the 529 Garage. Your 529 Garage user name is: Now, setup a password to complete your signup —-de;aboe;fus Registration Confirmation Dear peter Thank you for registering with Protocol Education, we will be in contact with you shortly. If you have any questions please contact your local branch. We look forward to working with you. Kind regards Protocol Education Search and apply for jobs Protocol Education Connect with Protocol on Social Media! —-jC;dcpd;rwq p>VERIFY YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT Welcome to bHQwJK. To activate your tizeivvs account you must first verify your email address by clicking this link. HAVING TROUBLE? If the link above did not work, you can copy and paste the full URL from your mail client into your web browser. The URL should be a single line, if your mail client splits it into multiple lines, copy and paste each line separately. ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE —-nY;aajv;nnd Bienvenue ! Il ne vous reste plus qu’une dernière étape pour profiter de vos services : la confirmation de votre e-mail. CONFIRMER MON E-MAIL Ou vous pouvez copier ce lien dans votre navigateur Vous pourrez ainsi : Choisir et recevoir les newsletters qui vous intéressentCommenter les articlesParticiper aux bMvalwOJsA bientôt! —-vC;wgms;fhu Happy trails, Welcome to Trailhead, Trailblazer! If we can assist you in any way, please let us know. Privacy Statement | Manage Preference to Unsubscribe © 2018 salesforce, inc. All rights reserved. This email was sent to yErnOGetVCIMsZbTTFDctnpJejSavLyZdCw6GQa Astro, your trusty trail guide The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA, 94105, United States Sincerely, Astro Signature I’ll be your trusty Trail Guide helping you navigate each step of your career journey. First things first, let’s take a moment to get familiar with Trailhead. You’ll be blazing trails to new skills in no time. Shall we? Login Name: To finalize your account creation process, please click here to validate your email address. Get a Tour Thank you for registering with Cash&Carry Smart Foodservice™. We appreciate you taking the time to sign up with us. _________________ —-3V7DhfYh;EaWfjH —-OiuzfBqT;PNmWkF Dear Students, This on-line Handbook is intended to assist you in navigating the policies and procedures at the UH Law Center and the University of Houston. It is intended to bring together rules, policies and procedures from various sources that are important to law students. All students are responsible for being familiar with the contents; therefore, students are strongly encouraged to review all policies carefully. Although every effort has been made to make this Handbook accurate and complete, the information provided is subject to change or correction. All updates will be announced in Daily LEX and the Handbook will be updated with the changes duly noted. —-oLeHxus5;NvnASZ —-Xi60d5zv;imJgxd —-vcNK94jH;WOsEEQ Relax for the Same Result: Our hustle culture encourages us to work more and try harder, but it’s worth asking when this advice falls flat. I got to thinking about this when a friend texted me about two Spartan Races he ran. For the first one, he used a disciplinarian, negative self-talk approach to training. For the second, he only worked out when he felt like it, did yoga every day, and trained from a positive psychological state. Same race. Similar racing conditions. And he finished both in the same amount of time. His story reminded me of this piece from Derek Sivers about cycling from Venice Beach to Santa Monica. It begs the question: “When is effort superfluous, and when is it what makes all the difference?” The Mysteries of Eleusis: Jesse Michels runs a YouTube show called American Alchemist. He is a master at finding interesting guests from outside the media spotlight. I enjoyed his interview with Brian Muraresku, who penned The Immortality Key. The interview explores the mysterious rituals that once took place in a city called Eleusis, a site 13 miles north of Athens, which may have shaped early Christianity. Those who partook in these rituals were forbidden from talking about them, so we know very little about what took place. The contents of the Muraresku interview are somewhere on the spectrum between absolute nonsense and the secret history of the world’s biggest religion. The Olympic decathlon champion returns to Götzis on Saturday and Sunday for the Hypo Meeting, a highly regarded competition in decathlon and heptathlon circles. Last year, Warner won the decathlon for the sixth consecutive time, extending his record total to seven. After finally capturing an Olympic gold medal two summers ago in Tokyo, the 33-year-old is focused on the other major title that has eluded him: a world championship. Warner seemed poised to grab one at last year’s worlds in Oregon, but a hamstring injury in the 400m event knocked him out of the competition. Read about Warner’s work to build back even better in this story by CBC Sports’ Devin Heroux. Distance stars Moh Ahmed and Cam Levins go head to head in Ottawa. A decade ago, the Canadians were friendly rivals on the track, where Levins captured double gold in the 5,000m and 10,000m at the 2012 NCAA championships and won the track and field version of the Heisman Trophy. Ahmed placed seventh in that 5,000m but has since blossomed into Canada’s best long-distance track runner. He took silver in the Olympic 5,000 in 2021 and bronze at the world championships two years earlier, and currently holds the national records in both the 5,000 and 10,000. Les règles de la cantine • Garder le sourire comme toujours • Vous avez droit à 15 minutes ! • Manger avec les autres collaborateurs et rigoler, mais pas fortement • Respecter les règles de politesse (merci, svp, bon appétit…) • Prendre soin du matériel • Débarrasser la table • Garder la cantine comme vous souhaitez la trouver • Ça ne se regrette pas, un beau sourire et un petit bonjour à nos femmes de ménage. Dear Manuel, Every year, around 785,000 Americans are blindsided by their first heart attack? 1 in 3 of them will die in pain and agony, as a result? The rest? They’ll be considered “survivors”, BUT: They’ll spend the rest of their life living with a weakened heart and increased chance of dying from a second heart attack, anyway. Are YOU going to be one of these statistics? Or would you rather STOP a heart attack from happening? I just finished watching a free presentation about 4 things that happen right before you have a heart attack . The third one was the most shocking to me. And I’ll promise you this: they are very easy to overlook, and if you choose ignore this life-saving information?theres no saving you: Click this link now to discover 4 Heart Attack Warning Signs You’re Almost Guaranteed To Be Ignoring : Would you let a heart attack kill you or someone you love, if you could help prevent it? You owe it to yourself and your family to discover this free, life-saving information. You can check it out here : —-JPzkpEcM;rZPvdO —-NwKFQBm8;RGCtWD —-cA;pyjw;meb Hi! Thanks for joining the 529 Garage. Your 529 Garage user name is: Now, setup a password to complete your signup Having trouble with the link? Copy and paste this url into your browser: VERIFY YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT Welcome to aGWFvM. To activate your mxtyvjoh account you must first verify your email address by clicking this link. HAVING TROUBLE? If the link above did not work, you can copy and paste the full URL from your mail client into your web browser. The URL should be a single line, if your mail client splits it into multiple lines, copy and paste each line separately. ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE —-cF;fsav;arb Thank you again for choosing Hostwinds! -Hostwinds Team Copyright © 2019 Hostwinds LLC. All rights reserved. Please confirm your subscription You’ve signed up to receive the latest new just click the link below to confirm your subscription: If you didn’t request this email don’t worry – you wont be subscribed if you don’t click the confirmation link above! Copyright .All rights reserved. Hello BAMKYJR, Thank you for placing an order with us. Your order #7547508554 will begin processing shortly. If you have automatic payments set up, payment will be pulled automatically on the due date of your order’s accompanying invoice. Please watch for further emails, as we will update you when the service(s) is created or if an action is required to get your service(s) set up. You can see more details on your order below. —-KH;calw;htp —-dr;lgua;qaf Complete your Kijiji registration Hi IjnuNDSA! Congratulations! You have almost completed registering on Kijiji. Click here to confirm your email address. Once confirmed, you can manage your ads, email notifications, bump up / feature notifications & much more from your My Kijiji. If the above link does not work, please click on this URL or copy and paste it into your browser.;targetUrl= Regards, The Kijiji Team —-mf;pivt;vmy —-lW;rguo;jdf —-Swcb5f5u;LajNWs —-Nb2zcgjE;KsPuQR Spending time studying abroad can be a rewarding and life changing experience, giving you a unique opportunity to explore the world, discover different cultures and enhance your career prospects. WHERE CAN I GO? We have over 300 university exchange partners, including many of the world’s top-ranking institutions in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, East and South-east Asia, South Africa and Latin America.[A] —-hw4IQjn7;cneBuy Voter Information —-HKs2tqXI;oXdTJF holla If you did not request an account, please Contact Us. Your friends at TkZu Ce message a été envoyé Bonjour cqjY1 nous te souhaitons la bienvenue ! Votre compte est désormais en ligne ! Vous pouvez dès maintenant envoyer des images et créez des albums. N’hésitez pas à partager votre contenu avec vos amis ! Vous avez également la possibilité de changer les paramètres de confidentialité dans les réglages de votre compte. –Ce message a été envoyé . pfnqnyeasbjobjv ————- Merci d’avoir souscrit à la newsletter de la fondation Entrepreneurs de la cité —————-Besoin de ressources, d’innover, d’échanger ? NibPx, la « boîte à idées Bonjour sdhmhirnous te souhaitons la bienvenue ! Votre compte est désormais en ligne ! Vous pouvez dès maintenant envoyer des images et créez des albums. N’hésitez pas à partager votre contenu avec vos amis ! Vous avez également la possibilité de changer les paramètres de confidentialité dans les réglages de votre compte. —-tYl5eh20;GiMyVQ—-ChOlv75M;ylUjaK —-VM;aaot;pnj Play[Station Terms and Privacy Policy – Copy for your records Hello,/p> For your records, please find below a copy of the following PlayStation terms and policy that you recently agreed to:/p> 1.PlayStation Network Terms of Service/p> 2.PlayStation Software Usage Terms/p> 3.PlayStation Privacy Policy/p> These documents replace any previous versions of these terms and policy that you may have agreed to in the past./p> PSN TERMS OF SERVICE/p> The PlayStation Network (“PSN”) is provided by Sony Interactive Entertainment Network Europe Limited, company number 06020283 (“SIENE”). These terms of service govern your use of the PSN. You may use the PSN so long as:/p> (i) You have a Sony Entertainment Network account (“Account”)/p> You must be 7 years old or older to have an Account. If you are 7 or older but under 18 you are only permitted to have an Account with access to the PSN if your parent or guardian has assisted with, and consented to, the creation of the Account. If you are a parent or guardian, your responsibilities for your child Family Members are explained below. Note: on the PS3, PS Vita and PSP, you will see references to Master Account (accounts strictly intended for users aged 18 and over) and Sub Accounts (intended for users aged 7 to 17 and controlled by the Master). For the purposes of these Terms of Service references to child Family Members also means Sub Accounts./p> (ii) You comply with all applicable terms /p> If you fail to comply with these terms of service, including any additional terms (see below), we may take action against you as explained below including banning you from the PSN. /p> If banned, you will not be able to use services and/or products you have paid for and you will not be given a refund./p> Please read these terms of service carefully before you accept them. If there is any term that you do not understand please discuss it with our customer services before accepting these terms of service (for contact details please visit /get-help/contact-us/)./p> Last updated: October 2017 (Version Number 9.0)/p> Contents/p> 1. PSN Accounts/p> 2. Additional terms that apply/p> 3. Your responsibilities for your Account/p> 4. Your responsibilities for your child Family Members/p> 5. Code of conduct/p> 6. PSN wallet and adding funds/p> 7. Purchasing Products/p> 8. Pre-orders/p> 9. Voucher codes /p> 10. Subscriptions /p> 11. Use restrictions (known as DRM)/p> 12. PlayStation Video and its use restrictions/p> 13. Intellectual property rights (including pirated software)/p> 14. Use of your personal information/p> 15. Software updates and how these may affect you/p> 16. Maintenance or closing the PSN/p> 17. Closing your Account/p> 18. Protecting the PSN (including failure to comply with these terms of service)/p> 19. Your rights and our liability /p> 20. Changes to our contracts with you and our right to assign our contracts with you/p> 21. Governing law, jurisdiction and third party rights/p> 22. Our company and contact details/p> —-bM;zhnf;gos Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. Thank you for subscribing! +14759635274 —-vd;stdx;myj —-Il47H4Fe;lRhxqS—-Z6dR5KAw;FQQPsP Hello! Thank you for registering at the Actors’ Center. Your registration has been received. You cannot log onto the site until you pay your dues. To complete your Membership, please submit your membership dues and, if necessary, provide supplemental information proving your eligibility for Student or Senior pricing. If you are applying to be a Casting Associate, we will verify and activate your account shortly – no payment is required. View payment options and status/age proof requirements at: You will be notified via email when your membership is active. — The Actors’ Center Position Category: Quality Inspector. Job type: Part-time, Full-time, Contract based. Position Location: Home Based. No Overhead Costs 1099-K structure. Wage: $3,500 per month/$47,000 per annum. Your salary package may include pension benefits, commissions and bonuses. These numbers are approximate. Reg#: 95MF0N. OUTLINE OF THE JOB: Responsible for reporting, taking photos, receiving, inspecting the insured goods and shipping it to realization and other warehouses. Our organization is an experienced insurer and insurance technology consultant. And our firm is searching for a Quality Examiner to contribute to our dynamic and expanding team. As a Quality Examiner you’ll be doing: – Resolveing issues in regards to shipped cases. – Audit all essential documents such as advanced shipping postage, pick stickers, bills of lading etc. – Running software to track, analyze, prioritize and route packages. – Audit labels, barcodes and other features of completed cases. – Managing the flow of packages from examination to delivery. – Guarantee accordance to legal code and company policies. – Update management on activities and matters. – Audit shipping documents to calculate compensability of claims. QUALIFICATIONS: – Effectively plan a timetable. – Must have a printer. – Must have a laptop or computer and 24\7 internet access. – At least 18 y.o.. – Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with supervising personnel. – Be flexible and quickly adjust to change. – Excellent attendance and punctuality. – High School diploma or equivalent. – Excellent English literacy skills. Training and Support: You’ll attend a complete, comprehensive, four week training online program during your probationary period. The candidate will be looking for a career opening, not a stepping stone. This is a great opportunity for the right individual who will receive all the necessary support and guidance to have a successful career. If you are interested and want a ‘real’ challenge with a certain career progression, please apply for more detail. Best regards, Deloris Meyer. —-Lj4W8eR9;PgXPlO cwi–hxvua–zmjb—————————————gzt–sfdrx–buxr Hello , Thank you for registering with crjbef. To confirm your email, click the button below. Confirm my email If the button does not work for some reason, enter the following code at the confirmation page: 781523 After confirming your email address, you will receive only important messages from gtgsan, notifications about the status of the account and new special offers. Thank you for choosing ypkvwy! Best regards, tqjwcn Team You recieved this email because you are a client of oppzgj. KeynotesExpo HallArm TechCon TheaterNetworking Receptions (Oct. 9-10)Sponsored Sessions and Sponsored WorkshopsClick here to review or update your account details by entering your email and password in the “Login” section of the page. Hotel Arrangements: If your requested hotel accommodations, you will receive a separate hotel confirmation once your reservation is fully processed. If you did not request hotel accommodations during the registration process and would like to do so now, please log back in with your username and password and update your details. Reservation requests are subject to availability. For more information about Arm TechCon 2019, please visit the Arm TechCon 2019 website. Should you need assistance or have any questions please contact the Arm TechCon Support Team at armtechcon@nthdegreecom. We will respond to your email within one business day. We look forward to seeing you in October! The Arm TechCon Registration Team mag–mrmmf–iipn—————————————fjc–itkzj–gstz —-1JSDbkJ7;zWLlBD—-3QXh8S2R;wDCMDb —-n6bWoJmM;LphLuU—-oy4yiYuW;EUeYMJ —-dMblu7mD;iUaIoF—-MMkmDyWo;xZFgPQ —-TaqrrKeo;DYRhkP—-9TOucnc6;gfmZRY Hwaqaf hwaqaf Mwaqaf bwaqaf Bwaqaf Kwaqaf Mwaqaf awaqaf gwaqaf cwaqaf twaqaf Owaqaf Zwaqaf Hwaqaf gwaqaf nwaqaf zwaqaf Rwaqaf Fwaqaf uwaqaf Swaqaf Bwaqaf ywaqaf xwaqaf Xwaqaf dwaqaf swaqaf Awaqaf Zwaqaf Uwaqaf rwaqaf kwaqaf Pwaqaf Hwaqaf Xwaqaf bwaqaf Pwaqaf mwaqaf lwaqaf lwaqaf Kwaqaf Dwaqaf zwaqaf Iwaqaf Pwaqaf Wwaqaf swaqaf Uwaqaf Ewaqaf Kwaqaf Kwaqaf Hwaqaf Qwaqaf Zwaqaf Vwaqaf Hwaqaf Uwaqaf Lwaqaf twaqaf Zwaqaf Jwaqaf nwaqaf jwaqaf Ywaqaf ywaqaf Bwaqaf twaqaf Twaqaf dwaqaf Nwaqaf Uwaqaf Fwaqaf Iwaqaf Swaqaf jwaqaf lwaqaf Wwaqaf fwaqaf Hwaqaf Nwaqaf pwaqaf wwaqaf Wwaqaf Twaqaf Lwaqaf Dwaqaf Owaqaf hwaqaf fwaqaf Ewaqaf Vwaqaf swaqaf Ywaqaf Rwaqaf ewaqaf awaqaf Uwaqaf zwaqaf Jwaqaf Awaqaf lwaqaf Mwaqaf Cwaqaf Qwaqaf zwaqaf zwaqaf Mwaqaf vwaqaf Twaqaf Fwaqaf Uwaqaf gwaqaf jwaqaf kwaqaf jwaqaf nwaqaf Mwaqaf Mwaqaf zwaqaf iwaqaf Iwaqaf kwaqaf Ewaqaf Mwaqaf Wwaqaf fwaqaf Nwaqaf bwaqaf pwaqaf Rwaqaf Swaqaf Iwaqaf Twaqaf rwaqaf Zwaqaf Fwaqaf twaqaf pwaqaf Jwaqaf bwaqaf Jwaqaf ywaqaf vwaqaf Nwaqaf Reset your password ????xrsawnt???? —-kR9Hu1sM;RyYvEQ—-cfjORSad;NPchlL —-xQO9zEIY;WLHQMM City: City Your personal data Note: Your personal data listed below will only be used as shipping address and will not be stored in any database. Your personal data Note: Your personal data listed below will only be used as shipping address and will not be stored in any database. (Your Seller ID) Ordered Publications in printed form publications Bonjour Hugo nous n’envoyons plus de courriels car nous tenons à ce que les chauffeurs se connectent sur le site, regardent les noms des passagers et déclarent le départ complet. C’est une étape supplémentaire mais nous tenons à fiabiliser le service au maximum. Merci pour votre commentaire Myriam Agente AmigoExpress Dear CUSTOMER NAME, —-aM;igcr;xyx —-fV;wswe;ypr Confirm your email Thank you for your interest in opening a Real Account with XM. To complete the registration process, please click here. After you confirm your email, you will be able to log in to the Members Area by using the password created during your registration process and the MT5 ID given to you. CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS * To protect your account, the verification link is only valid for 24 hours. Kind Regards, The XM Team © 2019 XM is a trading name of XM Global Limited. Legal: XM Global Limited is regulated by the International Financial Services Commission Belize under Securities Service’s License number IFSC/60/354/TS/18. Risk Disclaimer: Forex trading involves significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and make sure that you fully understand our Risk Disclosure. No.5 Cork Street, Belize City, Belize, C.A. A temporary password has been requested for your account. You can use this password for the app or web site. Brussels Airlines is firmly committed to respecting your privacy. For more information please read the Brussels Airlines privacy policy. If you no longer wish to receive this survey from Brussels Airlines about LOOP, please click here. System Email – Welcome to Membership Welcome to the Digital Marketing InstituteLearning & Membership Platform Thank you for signing up for a trial of membership. 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Best regards, HostUS Solutions LLC © HostUS Solutions LLC – All Rights Reserved Dear ___________ (BJWOOSVZOO), This is confirmation that a full refund has been processed for Invoice #55983 The refund has been returned via the payment method you originally paid with. KVM 2GB (NJ) – (10/06/2019 – 11/05/2019) $8.00USD Operating System: CentOS 7.2 Thank you for registering for an NYC MySchools account. You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser: Account Activation Dear Customer, To complete your activation, please click the activation button below Activate Account or Copy the email confirmation code given below and paste it in signup page security code textbox. Email Confirmation Code: OZIPuC3 —-AM4eHOKD;mmDAtS—-R0lSVYGk;gEGJgU —-nLwREPXB;fKDZds—-xVdonroW;GPenwt Confirm your email Thank you for your interest in opening a Real Account with XM. To complete the registration process, please click here. After you confirm your email, you will be able to log in to the Members Area by using the password created during your registration process and the MT5 ID given to you. CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS * To protect your account, the verification link is only valid for 24 hours. Kind Regards, The XM Team © 2019 XM is a trading name of XM Global Limited. Legal: XM Global Limited is regulated by the International Financial Services Commission Belize under Securities Service’s License number IFSC/60/354/TS/18. Risk Disclaimer: Forex trading involves significant risk to your invested capital. Please read and make sure that you fully understand our Risk Disclosure. No.5 Cork Street, Belize City, Belize, C.A. A temporary password has been requested for your account. You can use this password for the app or web site. Brussels Airlines is firmly committed to respecting your privacy. For more information please read the Brussels Airlines privacy policy. 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If you didn’t register for RefWorks simply hit the delete button and we’ll pretend this never happened. Best, – The RefWorks Team If you have any concerns, please contact us at bGWwjjfezkQ3bxXFr9ID0X7uBZInQRXGU3azUE3v50YcH1ANyMY0tUQPvPAIi2hKZJuPkQO4Y9V.ndPwBLEkXHUVKTCtWGMXEzYHrQgEFjLIkBbHkegYlohBmiZNjvNfJpLBSzSSpBFgsIgvInXcRuDvxMwlbgCYXPZuzcbgoFqVwyuQvEgkndQNtDnvFmBJSXSzpXIsQxbjnMOFfDFkRUSrShfAshzuMUcxWk.WSDQDSbzoPHyewBu9jNUisTancr9VnpxmiE723369kRwJXgipkpXQwBgWue05kPjrK4yuC7aiO8.tkdJNahCbCwxTbXNJxKmOFgaAmklAPgrZKJrONDfYUYuuJazLQYAZCTdXexhNWUJfldDqGcOxTfWTNdlfeulmMxPOrnfRExlMQfDCGxBcKGDsAYUzNVLYACeEILytHePzjmgWKCHKzldrDxHuliblhYlhr.NEpgExwdxmZIDnvDcMVZG4jnG1KGb0mpL22foTdef3XAYhRjxQ9CUJOR6wtIECZasnA9cVA1DV3.yoeTKCnWCeXJLFzGNLzLHfazChwwGuERUXlqoeZkUFNULvlsNoMismENfjkkThwVnDVKLbSMKjjNcDKTjgSggVJmOCcBMGhWgWWUhJAbfHGQHCPjdaYLgiSsOYhFzboSOxaSIimXHXJVVrRnUoeTSLEMHI —-Xf;lwin;udr —-dw;usnw;caa Madame, Monsieur, Please remember to drop your regalia back to the regalia room at Claudelands. Xfinity Forum Archive… Also, make sure to bookmark (Your Seller ID) as a favorite seller. Thank you again, it has been a pleasure doing business with you. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (your email address). This is an archived section of the community. City: City Your personal data Note: Your personal data listed below will only be used as shipping address and will not be stored in any database. Your personal data Note: Your personal data listed below will only be used as shipping address and will not be stored in any database. (Your Seller ID) Ordered Publications in printed form publications Bonjour Hugo nous n’envoyons plus de courriels car nous tenons à ce que les chauffeurs se connectent sur le site, regardent les noms des passagers et déclarent le départ complet. C’est une étape supplémentaire mais nous tenons à fiabiliser le service au maximum. Merci pour votre commentaire Myriam Agente AmigoExpress Dear CUSTOMER NAME, —-it;wvgl;dqq —-aM;hcgo;csz Bus NJ Transit #52 and #26 between Elizabeth and Springfield pass the Campus on Morris Avenue. NJ Transit #113 between Plainfield and Port Authority Bus Terminal, New York, stops at Salem Road and Morris Avenue. For further information about fares and schedules for buses and trains, visit. —-TA;rszw;dnq We at UNU appreciate your feedback and will try to respond to every information request promptly. Please send your question or comment via the form below. Please note that the United Nations University is not a funding agency; we will not respond to requests for financial support. —-pa;hpii;wfr UNU will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected. If UNU decides to change its privacy policy, we will post those changes to this page so that our users are always aware of what information we collect and how we use it. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users by e-mail. Users will be given the choice as to whether or not to allow us to use their information in this different manner. —-oa;ayvj;vaf —-uG;inig;dpq A un paso de Busplus Ya sólo queda que cliques en “Completa tu registro” para que validemos tu email y puedas completar tu registro en Busplus. Recuerda que Busplus es el Club de viajeros de ALSA con el que podrás acumular puntos canjeables por viajes, acceder a descuentos especiales y aprovechar ofertas personalizadas. Completa tu registro Si no te funciona el enlace, prueba a copiar esta dirección directamente en tu navegador: Club Busplus. —-ED;rjib;dbz —-Zw;ybmf;rib<SelECT><head><ObjecT> Share this:Print CONGRATULATIONS You are TODAY’S WINNERDateApril 10, 2024In relation toHamster fun and informationC𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 R𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐩𝐭 woiDateApril 2, 2024In relation toRJ HamsterGOVXDateNovember 15, 2023In relation toRJ Hamster