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Docs Judge Rejects Trump Gag; Dems Fearful Over Biden Campaign; Biden Revises Asylum Rules

Breaking News from
Judge Rejects Gag Order for Trump in Classified Records Case

Special: Trump: This Is a Joe Biden Invasion. This Is a Biden Invasion Over the Past Three Years.

Politico: Fear Over Biden’s Campaign Grips Dems

Biden Admin Allows Classified Info at Asylum Hearings

Newsmax Daily Podcast: Squad’s Omar, Bush Flub Memorial Day

Biden’s Open Borders

A Playground for Drug Lords and Terrorists

Dear Loyal Friend of Newsmax,

Let’s get right to the point because this is so serious and so devastating to America.

As you know, our border security and illegal immigration problems are huge and out of control, thanks to Joe Biden.

It’s high time to call it what it is: an invasion.

Recently, a University of Georgia nursing student, 22-year-old Laken Riley, was murdered by an illegal who should never have been in the United States.

And she’s not the only one.

As if that weren’t bad enough . . .

Most people don’t know just how easy Biden and his corrupt, “do anything to spite Trump, get votes and destroy America” administration are making it for illegals, terrorists, and gang members to just waltz over our borders.

For starters, there’s a “welcome to America, come on in and do as you please” app few people know about. Think of it as the equivalent of scoring Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket.

Most Americans have no clue this app even exists. But make no mistake . . .

This sneaky tool is the brainchild of leftists who want to give a free ride and far more than a meal ticket to anyone who wants to come in.

In fact, it’s been dubbed a “concierge service,” which speaks volumes.

This dangerous app is an invitation to open the floodgates for illegal immigrants, terrorists, cartels, gangs like MS-13, and other dangerous infiltrators who haven’t just taken over our big cities but now our small towns, too.

These violent criminals traffic drugs and humans . . . commit horrific acts of violence against innocents . . . sell fentanyl like it’s candy and don’t care one bit whose child dies in the process . . . deal in illegal firearms . . . commit rape and murder . . . force women into prostitution, and more.

This is no longer a big city problem . . . it’s in your own backyard. What’s worse . . .

You are paying for these criminal aliens to stay in America!

Everything you need to know is inside the NEWbook, Terrorists on the Border and in Our Country.

Right now, you can get a FREE COPY of this explosive NEW BOOKcompliments of Newsmax.

Written by homeland security and border protection expert Charles Marino, Terrorists on the Border and in Our Country reveals everything the Biden administration doesn’t want you to know, including:

  • The REAL mind-blowing number of illegals, terrorists, gangs and drug and human traffickers pouring through our borders. (You have no idea — wait till you see the numbers and how horrific it’s gotten under Biden) Page 26
  • How a dangerous radical progressive group in America, funded by our government, is quietly aiding illegals. It’s like a giant money-laundering scheme. Page 176
  • How China and Mexico are fueling a devastating fentanyl crisis in America that’s killing our young people. Yet, if we took these 3 measures, we could stop it. Page 120
  • Radical left-wing judge is notorious for letting criminals walk. Wait until you see WHY this judge, and others like him, are letting violent felons and dangerous predators walk free. Page 92
  • Why political leaders want cash-based bail systems to help offenders. Page 93
  • Shocking amount the U.S. government has paid out in legal expenses for illegals facing deportation. (Yes, we are defending them legally with our tax dollars!) Page 175
  • Why Biden overturned all of Trump’s most critical immigration policies . . . it’s insanity. Page 53
  • What happens if this “Wild West” lawless immigration continues . . . page 173

There is hope. We can close the floodgates and take back our country . . . stop the illegal invasion . . . crush drug and human trafficking . . . stop the violent gangs and cartels from taking over our communities . . . and end the “free for all” handouts . . . and more . . .

. . .IF we take the steps in Terrorists on the Border and in Our Country. This JUST-RELEASED BOOK is a MUST-READ for every American worried about the future of our great nation and border security.

Hurry! Claim your FREE BOOK today — a $30 value — yours FREE.

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