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Here’s the best way to cut any meat!

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How to Cut Any Type of Meat Against the Grain

The way you cut meat plays a big role in the cooking and enjoyment of it. Slicing meat with or against the grain can affect the flavor and texture. 


Here’s why:


Grain direction

Meat has muscle fibers and these run in a specific direction. When cutting against the grain, you’re shortening these muscle fibers and this can result in more texture and tenderness in the meat. 


On the other hand, when you cut with the grain, you leave the muscle fibers intact and that creates a more chewy texture. 


How to cut against the grain

There are several tips and tricks you need to know to cut meat against the grain. 


Check out our handy guide on how to cut any type of meat against the grain and what tools you need for the best experience.



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