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AZ Briefing: Arizona fake electors crowdfund for legal bills

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AZ Briefing

Sun May 26 2024
Good morning, Arizona. Here’s what our reporters are working on and what you should know before you start your day.
Six of the fake electors indicted in Arizona are turning to fundraising appeals to help finance their legal defense.
Michael and Kelli Ward are the only Arizonans seeking financial support so far.
The other four indicted individuals are continuing campaigns they apparently started due to their involvement in other cases related to the 2020 presidential election.
More about Arizona’s indicted fake electors’ legal woes.

Other big stories

➤ Arizona State University President Michael Crow received an honorary doctoral degree for his work in higher education during a trip to Ben-Gurion University in southern Israel this past week.
➤ Look at some of the priciest homes to sell in Paradise Valley so far this year — and a record-setting piece of residential land in the posh town.
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➤ Today, you can expect it to be sunny with a high near 96 degrees. Expect it to be clear at night with a low near 71 degrees. Get the full forecast here.

Memorial Day memories

Memorial Day in Arizona in 1977.

Republic file

Take a trip back in time with a photographic look at Memorial Day remembrances and events in Arizona throughout the years.
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Today in history

Here are just some of the events on this date in the past.
On this day in 1924, amid changing demographics and post-World War I fear of communism, the Immigration Act of 1924 went into effect, limiting immigration from some countries and barring immigration from Asia. The legislation also barred immigration for anyone who could not become a naturalized citizen because of their race or nationality.
In 1937, in what became known as the Battle of the Overpass, representatives of the United Auto Workers union were severely beaten as they handed out literature at an overpass approaching the main gate to Ford’s River Rouge plant in Dearborn, Michigan, which they were trying to organize. The attack turned public opinion for the union, and Ford eventually signed a contract with the UAW.
In 1940, during England’s Operation Dynamo, the evacuation of Allied troops began from Dunkirk on the northern coast of France. Though cut off on land by German forces and under pressure from the German Luftwaffe, the dayslong British effort evacuated more than 338,000 troops, aided by commercial and civilian watercraft.
In 1972, in the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I agreement, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit their nuclear arsenals as well as the weapon systems designed to protect against the ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear warheads (Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty).
In 2004, accomplice to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh in the attack that killed 168 people in 1994, including 19 children, Terry Nichols was found guilty on 161 state murder charges. At his federal trial in 1997, jurors could not reach agreement on the death penalty and so Nichols was sentenced to life without parole.
In 2021, at a railyard in San Jose, California, employee Samuel Cassidy shot and killed nine workers before dying by suicide. The shooting spurred passage of the city’s gun harm reduction ordinance, the first of its kind in the nation, which requires gun owners to have liability insurance and pay an annual gun harm reduction fee to support suicide prevention and violence reduction services, mental health programs, addiction intervention and firearm training.


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Navajo leaders ratify historic Colorado River settlement

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How invasive plants are making Arizona wildfires worse

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This city is Arizona’s takeout food capital. Here’s why

Chandler seems to know that better than any other Arizona city, as it was named the state’s takeout cuisine capital in a ranking from Pricelisto.


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