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May 25 📬 JP Моrgаn analyst: Оіl to hit $380 реr bаrrel ❏

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The most powerful investors in the world are loading up on energy investments.

Warren Buffett invested over $50 BILLION.

Billionaire Ken Griffin increased his holdings by 150%.

Carl Icahn has made a billion dollar bet!

Why exactly?

It may be because they see a continued rise of oil on the way.

JP Morgan analysts have pegged the future price of oil at $380 per barrel.

That would send oil companies skyrocketing.

But there is one investment set to outperform all the rest.

It was up 196% last year… more than any of the major oil companies.

Yet it is NOT a stock, bond, option, or private company.

It’s perhaps the single best INCOME-producing oil asset in the world.

And I’m naming it my #1 oil and gas income play for 2024.

The Story Behind 2023’s #1 Oil and Gas Income Play

Good investing,

Marc Lichtenfeld
Chief Income Strategist, The Oxford Club

221 W 9th St # Wilmington, DE 19801
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