Starting with Jimmy Carter in 1977, and continuing under Clinton and Obama, Democrat administrations have aggressively attempted to shut down public use and access to federal lands. Joe Biden is no different. These administrations have a goal of stopping ranching, gravel and mining extraction, hunting, fishing and even hiking.
Only Congress has authority over federal lands and territories in the United States. Congressional law requires “multiple use” of federal lands, but the Biden administration continues to promote one use—lock up and close. Yet, BLM already owns and manages approximately 244 million acres of federal land, primarily concentrated in the Western United States, including more than 30% of the nation’s mineral estate. Unfortunately, BLM continues to sidestep Congressional authority and has finalized a new rule to further restrict federal lands for multiple use including outdoor recreation, ranching, mineral development and energy production.
Since his first day in office, Joe Biden has abused his authority to add large swaths of acreage to the federal estate while ignoring the concerns of local communities and stakeholders.
Arizonans don’t want another rule that blocks access to public lands. This new rule represents the latest rush to lock the gates on federal lands by the Biden administration and directly threatens every aspect of American life.
In response to the protests taking place at college campuses across the country related to the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, the House of Representatives passed legislation this week that would make it punishable for people who speak certain words that are considered antisemitic.
Since first taking office, I have made it clear that I will not knowingly vote for an unconstitutional law, even a law that is well intentioned, including this bill that seeks to crackdown on awful people like Hamas supporters here in the United States.
The First Amendment states that: “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech….” Unfortunately, the text of this legislation made it quite clear that it was speech that was being targeted. We all know that antisemitic speech is awful and should be condemned. As vile as their rhetoric is, Congress cannot prohibit people from saying disgusting things or spreading malicious hate through their words.
On one hand, free speech protects the beautiful words of our poets, our novelists, your neighbor, or you and me. But it also protects people who say evil, hurtful and malicious things. Thankfully, in a free society, good people rightfully get to speak and point out that these antisemites are offensive and awful people.
Let me be crystal clear: I find the Hamas terrorists to be a scourge upon the Earth and the people in our country supporting Hamas are wrong and immoral. That is one of the reasons I voted against a foreign aid package two weeks ago that sent $9 billion to Hamas.The United States should not be sending one penny to Hamas, but Congress did just that and, in doing so, is literally funding the hatred.
I have also made it crystal clear that I support Israel in its right to defend itself against Hamas after the October 7, 2023 terrorist attack. I’m not about to second guess how Israel does it.
Let me close with two quotes from Supreme Court Justices.
Justice Brennan wrote: “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.”
Justice Douglas wrote: “Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.”
That’s why I joined nearly 100 of my colleagues and voted no.
Gosar Welcomes Arizona’s 2024 Teacher of the Year to Washington, D.C.
This week, I had the pleasure of welcoming Efrain Casillas to the nation’s capital. Efrain is a music teacher at Porfirio H. Gonzales Elementary and Desert Oasis Elementary and was recently named the 2024 Arizona Teacher of the Year for exemplifying educational excellence, being a terrific role model and inspiring students. Efrain has been a music teacher for more than 22 years and his students have performed at Disneyland, the Disneyland Parade and the Fiesta Bowl Parade for three consecutive years. Amazing! Efrain, thank you for inspiring students and congratulations on your well-deserved honor!
Another Study Shows Bidenflation Crushing Arizonans
A new report issued this week by the Joint Economic Committee notes that the average Arizona household must spend $1,171 more each month to maintain the same living standard they had in January 2021, the last month Presiden Trump was in office. The monthly nationwide average household increase is $1,049. Because of Bidenflation, Arizonans are facing the highest inflation rates in decades, making it difficult to afford just about everything. Families in Arizona are facing some of the highest inflation rates in the country, with gasoline, energy, food and shelter prices crushing their wallets. Remember back in 2021when Biden Administration officials tried convincing Americans that Bidenflation was “transitory”, implying it would last a few weeks or months? Since then, the United States has seen more than three years of soaring costs, and Arizonans are feeling it the worst. Bidenflation is a tax on all Americans, and it is a direct result of Joe Biden and Congress’ out-of-control government spending. When President Trump left office, inflation was at just 1.4%. Since Joe Biden took office inflation has risen by 19.4%. I have repeatedly said that Washington, D.C. cannot spend its way to prosperity. Republicans must oppose Biden’s reckless spending and restore fiscal responsibility to Washington.
POSTPONED: Border Security Roundtable
Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, I will be rescheduling the border security roundtable for a future date. I deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
📬 It’s Mail Time!
Each week I receive thousands of letters and I try to respond to each one. Here’s a small sample of the letters I received this week:
📨 Larry M. from Gold Canyon, AZ writes:
Will you do the right thing or follow the typical Trump MAGA anti-democratic response? Please break your MAGA association with Trump unless you are involved in Trump’s crimes. If you are clean then do the right thing for America, not Trump.
📤 Larry, I make no apologies for being an America First conservative. President Trump did more to help make America great than any president in recent memory. His punishment for doing so? A never-ending witch hunt by leftists whose hatred for President Trump is far greater than their love for America. I firmly support Donald Trump. The attacks against him are coordinated and unfair. For every alleged crime he is accused of, there are parallel crimes, that in fact occurred, for crooks like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence that was subpoenaed by investigators by destroying her computer server. If you or I tried this, we would be looking at a couple of years in jail. Hillary also used government resources including the CIA and FBI to illegally spy on the Trump campaign and to spread fake stories like the Russia collusion hoax. These crimes never were punished. Joe Biden has been involved in corruption and bribery and extortion. He extorted the Ukrainian government to fire an anti-corruption prosecutor who was going to expose the bribes getting paid to Joe and Hunter Biden from Ukrainians. These are all crimes under federal law.
To date, there isn’t one crime Trump has committed. What about the “hush money” trial you ask? Well, the FEC and the DOJ concluded that a legal settlement payment was not illegal. Indeed, as the attorneys reading this know, paying a settlement to resolve a claim and executing a confidentiality agreement is routine. If that is now a crime, then there are a lot of people going to jail. But it’s not a crime.
📨 Daniel L. from Buckeye, AZ shares:
I wanted to thank you for your thoughtful and intelligent vote in opposition to the recent Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. We must stand in support of the people and the nation of Israel; and we must work to overcome the cancer of anti-Semitism in our midst. But suppression of the right of free speech is not the way to achieve it. Once again, you stand in a minority that refuses to be swept up in hysterical opportunism. Thanks, again … and keep up the good work!
📤 Thanks, Daniel. As I noted above, even abhorrent speech is protected by our Constitution. As I said, we are financing the hatred. If Congress was serious about preventing hatred in America, it would have never have recently sent $9 billion dollars to Hamas to be used to further their terrorist atrocities.
📨 Finally, Jerry C. from Kingman, AZ vents:
Why would our government even consider flying Hamas Palestinians to the United States for permanent residency? This is the worst administration to ever run this country.
📤 Jerry, You’re not wrong. Here’s your answer: it’s all about politics. Biden is trying to win the anti-Israel voters who are dissatisfied with America’s close relationship with Israel. You might be interested in knowing that according to recent troubling poll, 71% of Palestinians support Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel. Frighteningly, Biden has no plans to vet those he is considering bringing to the United States.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
📸 CD Tavares from Morristown shares this great photo described as a proud new momma guarding her day-old Jenny. Thanks, CD! Amazing picture.
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to Remember to include your name and where you live.
Warning!! The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence. If you are a reporter, it probably means you are in over your head already. We link to interesting stories. We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff. We don’t vouch for every publication or every author. If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views. While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter. We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic.