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NPR Squelched Hunter Laptop Story; FBI Warns of US Terror Attack; Beta Blockers Challenged

Breaking News from
NPR Editor: Bosses Squelched Hunter Laptop Story

Special: Biden Spies on Bible Purchases – New Leaked Report

FBI’s Wray: ‘Coordinated’ Terrorism Threat Highest Ever

Study Challenges Beta Blocker Use After Heart Attack



Buy A Bible Recently?
Joe Biden Has You On A LIST!
Biden has started tracking Christians like cattle!

YES, you read right. Rep. Jim Jordan just revealed how the Feds, under Biden’s orders, are pressuring banks to spy on American conservatives.

They are tagging transactions with certain words like “Trump,” “MAGA,” and even “Holy Bible“! So if you have checking or credit card purchases with these words…

The Government Has Already Taken Note of You!
This is a horrifying and creepy attack on our political and religious freedoms! And it’s made possible by a digital financial system that makes you a sitting duck!

I’m Lance Wallnau, Christian author, educator and news analyst for thirty years.

And if you’re like most people, your retirement savings is invested solely in digital assets. This means your entire future is dependent on a system that hates you.

But The Good News Is
How? By choosing more honest and reliable places for your savings.

My favorite is the God-given asset of physical gold! (There’s a reason gold is mentioned over 400 times across the Bible.)

Today, our options for owning gold have never been better.

For example, physical gold IRAs are becoming extremely popular because of their flexibility. They allow you to transfer your IRA or 401(k) out of digital assets and into PHYSICAL gold without penalties or taxes!

To find out more, my friends Birch Gold Group are giving away a FREE Info Kit on Gold IRAs.

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This 24-page guide explains in detail how to safeguard your golden years!

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Lance Wallnau
News Analyst, Pastor, Author, and Speaker

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