Hey – I’m Byron Donalds.
The Republican National Committee named me the Co-Chairman of their most important initiative for the next election.
I have a plan for a CONSERVATIVE LANDSLIDE in 2024 – here’s the gist:
- If the Democrats vote early, we should push early voting too
- If they can ballot harvest, we should ballot harvest even better
- Invest in an 80,000-person team to ensure your vote is protected
- Mobilize GOP voters through neighbor-to-neighbor contact
- Expand voter contact efforts to connect with young Conservatives
- Fight BAD ballot harvesting laws – let’s make it easy to vote but hard to cheat
I am proud to lead these efforts and help Conservatives WIN BIG up and down the ballot. These efforts will not only allow us to confront bad actors and stop cheating but will help our Party appeal to younger voters and swing-state independents.
There’s just one problem: campaign operations like these are EXPENSIVE. It’s not cheap running ads, printing flyers, recruiting volunteers, and expanding voter contact efforts.
That’s why I’m coming to you with an important request. Will you pitch in a few bucks to help jumpstart these efforts? I know it’s a lot to ask but I can promise you this: it’ll be worth it when we have 1) a Conservative House Majority, 2) a Conservative Senate, and 3) a Conservative in the White House.
If that doesn’t convince you to want to help, I don’t know what will! Are you in? |