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Trivia About Guns That You May Not Know

March 17, 2024


A Deep Dive into Firearms Failures

Firearms have played a pivotal role in shaping human history, from warfare to self-defense and sport. However, not all guns are created equal. Some designs have been…[READ MORE]

Imagine you leave the grocery store on a quiet Wednesday night…

There’s a homeless man and he’s in your face making demands and you can tell he’s a bit ‘off’.

When denied, he resorts to taking what he wants, which is the why you need this defense tube…     [READ MORE]

From the Wild West to Modern Warfare: The Revolver’s Rise to Power

In the world of firearms, few innovations have had as profound an impact as the revolver. Its iconic design, efficiency, and reliability have made it a staple in… [READ MORE]

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