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World in Chaos – Lawlessness prevails as squatters steal private homes and China builds terminator robot armies


World in Chaos – Lawlessness prevails as squatters steal private homes and China builds terminator robot armies
The entire western world is breaking down into lawlessness and chaos, and the cities of America are the worst hit.

Squatters are stealing homes all across the blue cities and states, with 1,200 homes in Atlanta now being seized by squatters. Police can do nothing, as “squatter’s rights” make a mockery of the rule of law.

Meanwhile, China is building vast armies of terminator robots, which will sweep across America as a “cleanup crew” after civil war 2.0 runs its course and millions are dead.

We cover all this and more – including an interview with John Perez about finance, silver and crypto – in today’s Brighteon Broadcast News here.

Today’s Featured Videos
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Today’s Featured News
US Senate betrays America — billions for Ukraine and Israel but not a single dollar to secure the U.S. border
Squatters galore: Illegal migrants are now taking over homes of American host families: “How many are coming? We knew nothing”
5 Global powers fighting to take over the world – Who will win?
Landmark fluoride trial corrupted by judge: Scientists not allowed to reveal political influence in keeping public water supply laced with neurotoxins
Excess deaths among patients in elderly care homes skyrocketed following covid-19 vaccine rollout
Dangerous FDA ruling allows research trials get away with skipping informed consent
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