Site icon Peter A. Hovis

North Shore Animal League America

Peter, in overcrowded municipal shelters an estimated 1,500,000 dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens are put to death each year because these facilities don’t have the resources to care for injured, sick, or pregnant animals.

But together, we’re creating new beginnings… and saving lives. To date, we’ve given 1,100,000 animals a second chance at the lives they’ve always deserved. But there are thousands still in desperate need. Your membership gift has the power to save them – and ensures every animal gets lifesaving care.

What’s more, 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of our no-kill movement. Celebrate every life we’ve saved – and commit to saving even more – by activating your membership this year. When you do, you can choose your new personalized card design.

82 cents of every dollar spent goes directly to
animal program services.
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© 2024 North Shore Animal League America
25 Davis Ave, Port Washington, NY 11050

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