The Phone Call That Costs $15k
It was an ordinary afternoon when the elderly woman picked up a phone call from an unknown number.
On the other end of the line was a man who said he was a lawyer. He told the woman that her son had been in a terrible car accident and that the other driver, a U.S. diplomat, had been killed.
The lawyer then put her son on the line. He told her that he loved her and that he needed money for bail and legal fees. $15,000 to be exact. As soon as possible.
The woman and her husband immediately pulled the money from their savings, wired it per the lawyer’s instructions, and waited for word on their son.
The next day, when he finally called, it wasn’t to update them on his terrible situation… it was just a normal casual check-in.
That’s when they realized the voice they’d heard on the phone the day before, wasn’t their son.
It wasn’t even a human being.
This story may seem like science fiction – but it’s true.
Their son’s voice was a clone, created with artificial intelligence (AI) by a scammer with access to his social media.
“The money’s gone,” he later told reporters. “There’s no insurance. There’s no getting it back. It’s gone.”
It’s terrifying to think about, but 150 of these types of AI scams are taking place every minute.
And MarketWatch reports that in the next 18 months, Americans could lose $100 billion to them.
Practically no one is immune. If you own a phone or personal computer – you’re at risk.
Which is why my team and I have put together a comprehensive warning on these new AI scams… including 4 simple moves you and your family can make immediately to protect yourselves from them.
Just a few minutes reviewing this could save you untold amounts of money and heartache in the years ahead.
This presentation is 100% FREE to access, just by clicking here.
Best Regards,
Dan Ferris
Senior Analyst, Stansberry Research |