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Mold vs. Mildew: What Is the Difference?

January 13, 2024

Coffee filters aren’t just for the kitchen — they also make great plant filtration tools. When potting a new plant, place a coffee filter at the bottom of the pot, and then layer rocks and soil over it. This helps water drain, encouraging proper filtration and protecting against root rot. You can also use a layer of non-dissolvable packing peanuts for similar results.

Mold vs. Mildew: What Is the Difference?
Even the cleanest people in the world get mildew or mold in their houses — where there is moisture, these sneaky substances will quickly spring up unbidden and unwanted. While mold and mildew are mostly harmless, it’s important to know the difference between them and avoid build-up for the health of your household. Here’s how you can spot the difference between these two fungi.
Is Pasta Good for You?
Carbs don’t exactly have the best reputation these days, but can 59 million Italians and their extremely high life expectancy really be wrong? As with a lot of foods, the jury is still out on whether or not pasta is good for you. And while no one’s suggesting that you go full Garfield and eat as much lasagna as you can get your paws on, there is a growing consensus that pasta is better for you than conventional wisdom might have you believe.
How Much Cash Should You Have for Emergencies?
There is no way to predict the future, but you can prepare for it. While there are many ways to plan for unexpected circumstances, keeping a stash of emergency cash is at the top of the list. Also known as “crisis cash,” this fund can help bail you out of many last-minute situations: discovering a plumber only takes cash, the power is out and you can’t access an ATM, and in extreme cases, you have to evacuate due to the weather.

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