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Disaster in REAL-TIME

Disaster in REAL-TIME

I’m watching a disaster happening in real-time.

The No. 1 most important resource in America has dried up.

We’re only just starting to see the dire consequences hit our daily lives. But I guarantee you will, in 2024, whether you’re prepared or not.

I’m not talking about copper or lithium…

Oil (or any form of energy)… or even water.

This resource is what America really runs on…

And what happens when it runs out is NOT pretty.

That’s why I recently stepped forward to explain what’s going on, and what it means for you and your money.

See, the last time this resource ran out – suddenly, and dramatically – was 2008. Millions lost their savings… retirements… even their homes.

Now, nearly the exact same thing is happening again.

And believe me – even though I’m not talking about oil or gas – the lights will go out for millions of individuals and businesses in the coming months.

Famous businesses will shutter. People will lose their jobs… their homes… their cars… their insurance.

The supposedly “smart” folks on TV will say that no one could have seen it coming.

But the fact is, people like me DO see it coming.

And I want to make 100% sure my call is “on the record” so no one can say this was some unpredictable lightning strike. (It’s not.)

And of course, so YOU can prepare, beginning immediately.

That’s why I’m coming forward again today with the most important announcement of my quarter-century career in the markets – and the most urgent single recommendation I’ve ever made for folks’ money and retirement.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s the only thing that really matters for your money in 2024.

I’m not a “gloom and doomer.” Never have been.

The simple FACT is that the situation is bleak for most assets as this critical resource runs out.

It’s pretty much the most reliable fundamental relationship in all of finance, dating back centuries.

But I think you’ll be surprised about how excited I am about what’s to come…

Thanks to ONE, little-known strategy that can absolutely killduring periods like this.

One that’s far simpler… more consistent… and more reliable than trying to pick stocks – and can offer HIGHER returns (plus income) in these exact conditions.

If you know this one idea, the next few years will be the most lucrative period of your life in the markets.

It doesn’t involve gold… short-selling… options… or any other “crisis” approach you’ve likely heard of before.

This is far less risky and more reliable than any of those.

Note: My team’s recommendations had an 87% win rate during a short “preview” of this crisis in 2015… and an 80% win rate in the years since, even in a “bad” environment for this approach.

Today, a generational opportunity is beginning…

Where the upside could be truly extraordinary.

I promise that every word of what I share in this update is extremely valuable – even if you never spend a penny on research.

And that it will open your eyes to an approach so lucrative and consistent that many folks who try it never want to go back to doing anything else.

Click here for full details.


Joel Litman
Chief Investment Strategist, Altimetry

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